I Broke a World Record

Most push-ups done in 30 seconds

Stan Browney
3 min readJul 1, 2020

Someone sent me a video in which a Ukrainian man tried to break the record for most push-ups done in 30 seconds. He did 47 push-ups and with that number, he broke the record which was first set at 35 push-ups.

Being sent that video felt like someone was challenging me to beat the record. And I, as a competitive sportsman, could not resist the challenge.

I immediately dropped to the floor to get into my push-up position. I started my timer and pushed myself to beat the record. Obviously, it would be too good to be true if I were the one to exceed 47 push-ups in 30 seconds during my first attempt. However, I wasn’t far off. On my first try, I was able to get to 45 push-ups, so I only needed 3 more to beat the world record. And let’s be real, doing 3 extra push-ups doesn’t sound impossible. I simply needed to practice this skill to become faster and keep good form.

And so I did… I practiced multiple times every day but there was always something that kept me from being proud of my achievements.

During one of my first attempts, I already beat the record with 49 repetitions. However, I was not happy about the form. I wasn’t able to immediately try it again because I was exhausted already. So I had to wait and rest for a little while, I fueled my body with some protein pancakes and then I tried it again.

It was at that moment that I officially started the #30SecondsChallenge. I challenged my subscribers to film their attempt to do as many push-ups in 30 seconds and post the video on social media with the hashtag.

At last, I did 49 push-ups with good form!

But then… my best friend Arjen, also known as “the guy in the blue shirt”, beat my record. However, he wasn’t the only one because a Russian sportsman saw my video and did 50 push-ups. Obviously, I couldn’t let someone take my record so I tried the challenge again but pushed myself even harder this time.

After many failed attempts and a lot of extra practice, I managed to do 51 push-ups with good form. And you are not going to believe what happened after I uploaded that new video of me breaking his record! He beat me again!

Who would ever think such a thing could be possible? Doing 52 push-ups in 30 seconds.

After a lot of going back and forth — me breaking his record and he breaking mine — this competition had to stop and a winner had to be chosen! I already did 53 push-ups in 30 seconds before but the form wasn’t good enough so I needed to improve that to win back my title… once and for all! I tried over and over again. I got frustrated because my form still wasn’t good enough.

But now, the moment of truth! Am I going to win back the record? I could honestly feel it in my bones, this was going to be the one. I dropped to the ground again, just like I did the first time I tried this challenge and I started the timer. 30 seconds on the clock. I tried to keep my body as straight as possible to make sure I did my push-ups in perfect form. 50… 51… 52… and 53… I did it! The record is mine again.

And I now challenge you to beat me and do 54 or more push-ups in 30 seconds. Film it and post it on social media with #30SecondsChallenge and maybe you will be the next record holder for most push-ups done in 30 seconds.

