Chain Scouts — An On-chain NFT P2E Gem!

7 min readApr 13, 2022

Not everybody is familiar with the real Blockchain value of a project being fully On-chain VS a Off-chain NFT project. Let’s dig on the fondamental differences.

First of all, we need to introduce some core knowledges to fully understand why On-chain NFT projects are a Blockchain standard.

What is a Metadata?

OpenSea screenshot

Metadata is used for digital asset management. There are three main types of metadata: structural, administrative, and descriptive metadata.

Structural metadata defines the internal and external structure relationships of digital asset components. It defines hierarchical structures, allows navigation and ordered sequencing in the presentation of digital objects. For example, a series of e-magazines would contain metadata that defines the internal structure (the order of the articles and pages within an issue) and the external structure (the order of issues in the series) of each magazine.

Administrative metadata includes data pertaining to the creation, and required for the management, of a digital asset. The National Information Standards Organisation further breaks down administrative data into three subtypes — technical, preservation, and rights metadata. Essentially, data about the filetype, hashes, intellectual property, and permissions all fall under administrative metadata.

Descriptive metadata is exactly what it sounds like. Descriptive metadata can include a digital asset’s title, physical attributes, keywords, and more. This can be used to find and identify a particular digital asset, as long as you know how to describe what you are looking for. When you use a search filter on a webstore, it is the descriptive metadata of the store items that allows the search engine to find your specific results.

On-chain NFT project

On-chain NFT projects haven’t been around for a long time… in fact, few NFT collections are part of the on-chain movement yet. Perhaps because storing NFTs directly on the blockchain is expensive, the idea is new, or people just aren’t comfortable with the on-chain concept yet.

On-chain NFTs are tokens completely written on the (Ethereum) blockchain, implemented with metadata and smart contract both existing on the blockchain.

If you felt in love of this, take a look at some On-chain projects here:

Off-chain NFT project

Off-chain Metadata can be changed any time.

Off-chain storage includes centralized servers within the company or an InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). The issue with centralized storage is that if the server goes down (or the company dissolves) the image would be lost. IPFS is a more secure method of finding data as it utilizes a distributed, decentralized system. While still off-chain, if a storage location (node) goes down in one spot it may be found in another location.

What is Chain Scouts?

Chain Scouts is an on-chain project that implements P2E game theory mechanics, cross-project utility, and metaverse integrations with the goal of developing a robust token ecosystem and diverse community. Two streams are developed in parallel — both heavily focus on cross-project utility integration:

  • Token Game Development
  • Metaverse Development and Integrations

Chain Scouts envisions itself as the link that connects projects across the chain together and aims to develop utility and mechanics that fundamentally integrates other projects into the Chain Scouts ecosystem. By doing so, Chain Scouts aims to develop a highly engaged and active community comprised of many sub-communities — all playing, competing, and interacting with each other.

The Origins

With the discovery of $BANANITE, humanity entered a golden age — making leaps in technological development, and expanding across the stars. However, as humanity’s reliance on $BANANITE grew, supplies of it eventually dwindled, forcing miners to journey deeper into space to find adequate supplies. Unfortunately, the human body was never suited for long-distance space travel, and with the rise of pirate attacks, it was too risky to sustainably use humans to escort mining fleets.

Thus, spearheaded by private mining corporations, a new life form was genetically engineered — the Scout — a genetically modified ape, with cybernetic enhancements to make them faster, stronger, and smarter. Originally trained to escort mining fleets — as the Scouts became veterans at their jobs, they began specializing in various fields and creating their own paths. The tales of the Scout are just beginning, and there are thousands of stories yet to be told.


The project has several phases, with Phase One beginning at launch.

Chain Scouts roadmap WIP

In the first phase, players have the opportunity to send their Chain Scouts on expeditions (staking) to earn $BANANITE.

In Phase Two (post-launch), as Scouts venture deeper into space for $BANANITE, new items/tech come into play in the form of NFTs that introduce token PVP and additional mechanics that influence the token game (e.g. raider and defensive ships) — these can be upgraded and specialized using various projects’ tokens. Metaverse integration in NFT Worlds (and Sandbox) occurs in parallel where game modes like factions, hunger games, and more are developed within the Chain Scouts ecosystem.

Little is known about Phase Three, so we just have to let our imagination goes ;)


Built On-Chain
Most projects store their artwork using a storage system such as IPFS. An on-chain project stores the artwork and token on the blockchain — ensuring that the NFT will exist forever.

Chain Scouts can be staked to yield $BANANITE, which powers the ecosystem. $BANANITE yield is determined by a base value + ability which depends on the Scout’s class.

Cross Collaborations
Chain Scouts is focused on creating long term partnerships with other projects. These collaborations will involve adding capabilities for $BANANITE to be used in other projects, and adding utility for other tokens within the Scout ecosystem.

Metaverse Realms
Post-launch, Chain Scouts will purchase NFT Worlds (and Sandbox land) to develop game modes such as factions, hunger games, and more. Holders of the pass will also be airdropped 3D voxel models to be used in metaverse integrations.

NFT Worlds

Scout Pass
Chain Scouts will be able to forge a Scout Pass (Which will be limited) using 200 $BANANITE. This entitles the holder to:
- One 3D Chain Scouts Voxel
- Priority access to future mints, games, and competitions
- Re-occurring airdrops

Scout Pass NFT

Star Bases (Land)
Each Genesis Chain Scout is permitted to claim a Star Base for free. A Scout's private headquarters, Star Bases have unique traits that determine resource potential, technology-stage, structure capacity, and more.

Raiding and Defending
With $BANANITE resources depleting in the local galaxy, Scouts need to escort mining fleets to mining outposts in deep space to harvest $BANANITE. However, mining fleets have a maximum capacity of $BANANITE they can hold in their cargo bay and need to return home after reaching it in order to secure their $BANANITE. When returning home (claiming), mining fleets have a chance of being attacked by raider ships.


Having partnerships is a key factor in the web3 space. Since everything is about community and co-building and co-curating, we can all easily agree that this aspect is one of the most important out there.

So let’s dig if Chain Scouts has what it takes.

Chain Scouts early partnerships

As you can see Chain Scouts have managed to build a strong partners ecosystem.

But that’s not all, they have also secured TOP partnerships with Gaming development companies in order to deliver Phase 2 and 3. And for me that is one of the great difference between Chain Scouts and other projects.

1UP Nova — NFT Agency

0xytocin Labs — NFT product studio

0xytocinX Labs is one of the best NFT product studio out there with proven track records such as Azuki and most recently PGodjira. Now you know that they are also working on Chain Scouts, so expect killer updates!

Last, the Chain Scouts team made us a gift by sharing with me a little sneak peek of the NFT Worlds development, enjoy fam!

Chain Scouts in NFT Worlds

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See you in the on-chain side ❤





