The collection is graphically flawless and we asked the creators for a sneak peek at the process and the ideas behind it…

Broxie Club
4 min readMar 12, 2023


Read our dialogue with one of the collection creators:

How did you determine the 1221 number of Broxies, why not 10000. Did the variability of the design impose such restrictions or requirements from Broxus?

A confluence of several reasons influenced the number of NFTs released. First of all, we didn’t recklessly chase the number of jpegs, we decided to concentrate on their quality. The amount of detail and trait total combined with the low number of NFTs produced a very positive result: every Broxie (excluding the two 😉 ) looks really unique and identical without looking tacky. Secondly, in a departure from the 10k NFT trend, we wanted to create the same Broxus family and community atmosphere that we have in real life, and which was reflected in our website. Thirdly, the number 1221 has a very strong energy. It is a sign of imminent, desired changes, for which we all need to be ready.

I want to know a lot more about the process of Broxie’s character’s creation, and his attributes, why there are 10 different types of attributes and not 5 or 20.

We really wanted to create something mischievous, playful, counter-cultural to the corporate ethos, which (for obvious reasons) cannot be reflected in official company communications. At the same time, the artifact of our activity had to incorporate all those values and virtues that are characteristic of Broxus, but only in an informal way. This is how the identity of the collection was born. Initially, the idea for Broxie was born in the depths of the company, among a small group of passionate enthusiasts. Over the years, however, more and more colleagues got involved. So little by little the project evolved from a creative outbreak to a stand-alone product. The number of categories and traits was chosen carefully, mostly based on the visual concept of the collection. The potential (at the time) binding of some categories and/or traits to possible utilities (news very soon) also played a significant role.

It’s very interesting how the attributes were invented and drawn within each type. Some attributes, like “Body,” have only five options (if not divided into earless and normal), while “Head” and “Clothes” have a few dozen each. How did you come up with these attributes?

Our collective, with a considerable outlook on mass culture, creatively improvised and intertwined the cultural codes of Broxus and the Everscale community to come up with the attributes. A talented artist captured this riot of color perfectly on canvas with her choice of artistic style. You can subscribe to her on Instagram at and on Behance.
The nuances of each attribute could be recounted endlessly, and several interviews would not suffice to fully explain each one. However, I can explain that the Body (and also Background) category has considerably fewer traits than the others because they are a kind of visual foundation for all NFTs. If there were significantly more of these traits, we wouldn’t have such a consistent collection. Now we have different recognizable images that differ from each other only by a couple of details.

The collection is very harmonious, and it seems like it was a big job. Can you tell us about the intricacies and complexities that arose and were overcome, such as the interaction of certain attributes from one type with others? Did you model them or impose constraints?

Actually, there were no significant difficulties thanks to the high professionalism of our team. The whole Dreamtime worked as one coherent mechanism, and it was an inspiring experience for all of us. The most monotonous and memorable process within this issue took us more than one working week. As the Broxie NFT collection is 100% machine-generated, a lot of effort was put into training it. We looked at thousands, if not tens of thousands, of unique NFTs to adjust the generated output. The point is that there are a lot of attributes that may not fit together, either because of scripting features or simply aesthetics. We hope that the final result pleases all NFT owners.

That`s all! Thankyou for answers, the questions were asked by the guys from the Broxie Club

