Bruce Lee’s Deadly Kung Fu

Bruce Lee Gothic
Kung Fu Movies
Published in
1 min readOct 28, 2014


Starring Bruce Li

After the death of Bruce Lee, Bruce Li took his place and carried on his legend for Kung Fu movies. In the old days, it was hard to tell them apart, but now I know the difference. I appreciate the works of Bruce Li because he helped to keep Bruce Lee alive in my memory and kept me from being extremely sad about Bruce Lee. I hardly knew he was gone and didn’t understand because I was a child when Bruce Lee died. Right today, I miss Bruce Lee, and I wonder where Bruce Li is now.

Bruce Li has starred in plenty of Kung Fu movies. He starred in one I don’t quite remember titled, “Bruce Lee’s Deadly Strike”. According to Wikipedia, Bruce Lee’s Secret (aka Secret of Bruce Lee and Bruce Lee’s Deadly Kung Fu) is a 1976 Hong Kong martial arts action film directed by Chan Wa and William Cheung Ki, which is also a pseudo biopic of Bruce Lee.



Bruce Lee Gothic
Kung Fu Movies

Bruce Lee was Gothic. His life spoke the words king & priest to my mind because nobody was better than him in martial arts.