Five Wrestling Matches For Non-Wrestling Fans

Bryan Bierman
4 min readFeb 15, 2016

Inspired by my appearance on the Taste Vampire Podcast, I chose five wrestling matches to watch, even if you think you don’t like wrestling.

Enjoy, ya pencil-neck geeks!

Wrestling is Amazing

Cesaro vs. Sami Zayn, 2 Out of 3 Falls Match

Who Dis? Sami Zayn, a Syrian-Canadian ska enthusiast. He’s the most popular star in NXT, which is sort of like WWE’s “minor leagues,” though for the past few years it has usually rivaled and sometimes surpassed them in quality. He looks like Seth Rogan and is very lovable.

Who Dat? Antonio Cesaro, the “Swiss Superman.” Probably my favorite current wrestler. He’s pound for pound the strongest in WWE’s roster and arguably the greatest “technical wrestler” as well. He’s been kept out of the spotlight, seemingly because co-owner/CEO Vince McMahon thinks he’s too Swiss. Fluent in five languages.

This is such a spectacle of a match, it’s a big reason why NXT has blown up like it did. Cesaro comes down from the majors to wrestle this rising star and they just do everything to destroy the other. It starts with a bang, but like most great matches, works up to a crazy finish. Around 13:00 on, they basically just murder each other. I can’t imagine not being impressed by that. The last two moves are just ridiculous. Crowd’s completely in the palm of their hands.

Wrestling is Beautiful

Sasha Banks vs. Bayley, NXT Women’s Championship Match at TakeOver: Brooklyn

Who Dis? Bayley, kind of like your naive little sister who will also kick your face in. Loves streamers and hugs. Loves wrestling more than anyone. Perpetual Underdog. We all love her.

Who Dat? Sasha Banks, “The Boss.” Sort of like the Kanye of wrestling. She’s put on a veneer of being a villainous asshole only because she feels that’s what it takes to get to the top. We all love her too, but in a slightly different way.

Was very lucky to see this live last year. Just fantastic in-ring storytelling. This was the match that did a lot to change the perception of women’s wrestling in the eyes of many fans. As good of a match you will find, no matter what gender. I legit teared up when the “Four Horsewomen” stood in the ring together at the end.

Wrestling is Insane

Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boyz, TLC Match for Tag Team Championship at WrestleMania 17

Who Dis? Basically a bunch of people who all kill each other for our enjoyment.

This is maybe the match I’ve watched most in my life. It’s like a big, dumb action movie done almost perfectly or the reason why AC/DC albums exist. It’s just crazy looking stuff happening over and over. Has maybe the second craziest spot ever in WWE at around 19:20. Stole the show at maybe the best WrestleMania of all time in 2002.

Wrestling is Ridiculous

Kota Ibushi vs. YOSHIHIKO, KO-D Openweight and Iron Man Heavymetalweight Titles Match

Who Dis? Insanely athletic Japanese wrestler, Kota Ibushi. Dreamboat. Scary good at wrestling.

Who Dat? YOSHIHIKO, a plastic blow-up doll dressed like Hulk Hogan.

While Japan is known to usually treat their wrestling in a more serious light, some promotions like DDT also focus on the more comedic side of wrestling. This is a guy wrestling a blow-up doll for a championship title and it totally works. You almost forget that Ibushi is more or less wrestling himself and the crowd completely plays along. And then he gives himself the “Infinity Destroyer” around 3:00. It’s incredible.

Wrestling is Heartbreaking

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart at WrestleMania X

Who Dis? Bret “The Hitman” Hart, “The Best There Is, The Best There Was and The Best There Ever Will Be.” Universally regarded as one of the greatest of all time. Most famous and successful of Canada’s legendary Hart wrestling family.

Who Dat? “The Rocket” Owen Hart, Bret’s little brother. One of the greatest heels ever. Was perpetually in his brother’s shadow, no matter how incredibly talented he was.

Maybe my all-time favorite match and wrestling feud. It’s also the first match that I can remember watching as a kid. I hated Owen so much. A few years ago when I started watching wrestling again, it’s one of the first matches I went back to and one I appreciated in a completely new light. The reason I hated Owen as a kid was because he was doing his job. He was the bad guy, but now I also felt for him.

At the end of this WrestleMania, against all odds, Bret wins the heavyweight championship. While Bret and the rest of the roster are in the ring celebrating with him, Owen refuses and says, “What about me?” Even after his big moment, he was still Bret’s little brother. Five years later, Owen fell to his death in a freak stunt accident in front of a live crowd and during a pay-per-view event.



Bryan Bierman

I'm a freelance writer for @RedBull, @CityPaper, and anyone who will have me. In my spare time, I'm in a Madonna cover band.