What to expect before and after a Juice Cleanse

Buda Blog
3 min readFeb 3, 2017

As a BUDA Brand Ambassador, I hear so many people say, “I’m too scared to do a juice cleanse!” As someone who loves juice cleansing and fasting, I can confidently say there’s nothing to be afraid of. You will feel healthier, lighter, and more rejuvenated than ever before!

To help you visualize what to expect, let me paint you a picture…

How To Prepare Before:

Schedule your cleanse at a time that’s convenient for you. For example, don’t wait until your holiday break if you know you’ll be attending events with lots of tempting foods. Instead, schedule your BUDA juice cleanse for a time period you know you can commit to!

If you’re like me and consider coffee your life force, try to gradually wean yourself off it a few days beforehand. Start by having only one cup per day, then half a cup, and then no coffee. Your juice cleanse is a detox — which includes a detox from caffeine!

The night before your cleanse, eat a large, healthy meal. This will be your last meal until after your cleanse, so make it enjoyable for your taste buds and nutritious for your body (perhaps a high-calorie, plant-based, protein-packed dish)!

What To Expect During:

Some of the awesome benefits people have experienced while juice fasting include: improved brain function, heightened energy, better sleep, feeling lighter (and they often look it too!), and clearer skin. You may also use the washroom more often than usual, but don’t worry, that’s your body saying goodbye to toxins and waste!

Some people report being a little light-headed and tired at first, which is normal whenever you decrease your caloric intake. You may not feel all of the benefits previously mentioned, but don’t stress it, that doesn’t mean your juice cleanse isn’t working!

Your cravings will decrease, but do yourself a favor: don’t put yourself in situations where you’re bound to feel more cravings. For example, skip the coffee breaks and late night snack runs!

Lastly, everyone’s body reacts differently, so be kind to yours. If you’re tired, rest! Alternatively, if you’re feeling super energetic, exercise or be productive! This is a great time to learn to listen to your body.

How You’ll Feel Afterwards:

When you’re about to finish your BUDA juice cleanse, you won’t be craving a large fries (contrary to popular belief)! It’s recommended to start small; for example, eat a light snack such as an avocado or a piece of fruit. Your body will likely crave some sort of fresh fruit or vegetable anyways, as you’ll find that many of your regular food cravings will dissipate or completely disappear!

Some of the potential benefits you’ll notice post-cleanse include: smaller waste line, improved digestion, less acne and breakouts, better concentration, and improvements to your immune system and cellular health!

If you love the way you feel after your BUDA juice cleanse, we recommend purchasing our BUDA “maintenance packs.” Organic juices can be a wonderful addition to your daily diet to ensure your body stays alkaline and you’re getting enough nutrients!



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