Vue.js, React Native, Node.js and JS Testing

Bulgaria Web Summit 2018
3 min readFeb 1, 2018


No, these are not just hot keywords, but also topics from our event:

Talk by Jessica Jordan: Testing against Time in JavaScript Applications.

Jessica Jordan

As the applications we write tests against grow more complex we might stumble into testing errors stemming from asynchronous and time-dependent behaviour. This talk will characterize several roadblocks in testing which are affected by time. With an example Ember.js application, we will explore how Ember’s rich testing API, newest JavaScript features and community libraries, will help us writing legible and reliable tests and how we can make those tests turn green even as time passes by.

Talk by Asim Hussain: How to hack a node app?


Thought hacking was hard? It’s not, it’s easy and I’m going to show you how! In this episode of CSI Sofia we’ll investigate a series of hacking stories and break them down step-by-step to see exactly how they did it. By the end you’ll walk away a little bit more scared and a lot more prepared with some great practices you can apply immediately to your own applications.

Talk by Kaloyan Kosev: React Native App — Expectations vs Reality.


I had a chance to be part of a team that started developing a decent size React Native mobile app from scratch. As a developer with a solid React background, I had some expectations at first. During my initial research, everything sounded terrific: performance stats, ease of development, learn-once-use-everywhere, debugging tools, etc. But is everything terrific really?

I’m excited to share my journey about how my expectations met the reality. I’ll give my personal opinion about the matureness of the technology, for which use-cases it fits well and for which it doesn’t. I’ll also try to address the most popular misconceptions about React Native, which front-end developers usually have before they have the chance to actually built something.

Talk by Roman Kuba: There is a lot of buzz around the progressive framework named VueJS. But why is it truly special and interesting?

We’ll take a jump into what Vue does, and what’s its special little features and on this path we’re going to explore what Vue can do for us on parts that are maybe not obvious. The reactive data system that’s running under the hood is often overlooked, but when used wisely enables users to do really impressive things on the way. Come with me on that journey and maybe Vue sparks your interest.

What this means is, we we’ll walk through the progressive part of Vue and see how easy it is to get started and how complex it can become. From dropping it into the browser to leveraging webpack with Single File Components. Beyond that we will take a look at the reactive system that’s in depth of Vue, why computed properties are so awesome and what we can build with Vue. We will build a rough patch of a State Managment Library (That will eventually be Vuex), components that fetch data automatically, and hopefully more.

Hope to see you at Bulgaria Web Summit in April, 3018 :)



Bulgaria Web Summit 2018

Front-end, Back-end, UX, Design, Privacy, eHealth, WebVR, IoT and Ethereum professionals and amateurs under one roof. Sofia, 14 April, 2018