Earn ETH with Bulleon Referral Program + 20% Bonus for a limited time!

Join us to help spread the word about Bulleon and earn ETH!

What is the Bulleon Referral Program?

The Bulleon Referral Program is a great opportunity for you to earn Free Ethereum (ETH) by inviting anyone to join Bulleon ICO! It is our way of rewarding you for your efforts in helping bring more contributors to Bulleon and being a part of the Cryptocurrency revolution! It is probably the most rewarding Referral program currently in the World.

How it works?

1. When referred user clicks on one of your referral links, he will be brought to our website and activity will be tracked by our software and cookies.

2. If these users register for our ICO, they will be marked with your referral code.

3. For every amount of ETH received from users you’ve brought to our ICO — you will receive 5% of total ETH conntribution.

4. For example, if a user from your referral link buys Bulleon with 10 ETH, you will receive a reward to your Ethereum wallet: 0.5 ETH.

5. Tracking data will be available to you, so you can monitor your referral progress.

6. ICO referral commissions will be paid out once a week.

Earn ETH with Bulleon Referral Program

Bulleon Referral program rewards both, the referral 5% (valid until further notice), and the buyer 20% (valid until March-31–2018).

When someone who used your referral link completes a registration and contribution, he will receive a Bonus of 20%. At the same time, you’ll also get 5% of their contribution in ETH directly to your Ethereum wallet!

How to register?

  1. Navigate to: https://bulleon.io/contribute.php
  2. Click the “Sign Up” and “Sign Up as Referral Partner”

3. Enter your Email address and ETH-wallet.

4. Copy your unique share URL and use your unique URL to share the campaign on social media, email your friends and contacts, write a blog post, etc.

5. As a marketing material, you can use any information from our official channels (website, whitepaper, social channels, etc.) You can also use some of our marketing material, it can be found from this link: http://bulleon.io/referral/

How to Track Your Results

  1. Log into your Bulleon partner account
  2. You can find your Bulleon partner account details from your email
  3. Click on the “Your referral statistics
  4. Now you will see your referral link statistics (perosnal link clicked, referral code used to register on ICO)
  5. Track your results from your ETH wallet, rewards will be paid without notification once a week directly to your registered ETH wallet.

How many friends can I refer to Bulleon?

At the moment, we have not capped the number of contributors you can refer. So the opportunity is truly limitless! The more friends you successfully refer, the more ETH you earn!

We do reserve the right to adjust or change the referral program rules in the future.

Learn more about Bulleon: https://bulleon.io

