What is BullyPit?

BullyPit Band
4 min readApr 27, 2022


BullyPit is a meme token based on Hoo Smart Chain and BullyPit token is powering the BullyPit Band, the first community-driven meme token evolving in the metaverse. It originated from BullyPit’s Tale: I am a winner. I have come to overtake. I’m going from kingdoms to Nations and to States of the planet “Earth”. I come from the metaphysical world where I live. I come to your world to conquer and bring you back to my universe, BullyVerse for a newer civilization. They will come with me, join the BullyBand!


Bullypit vision is global. We want to conquer all meme token lovers to the metaverse ( Web3, NFT, Staking, educating) and stand its dominance on all other memetoken in the Blockchain ecosystem. In that vain and as mission; We want to deploy a platform called “the bullyverse”, that offers users the minting and staking of BullyPit NFT for $BPT high yielding. Asides, from the Bullypit crypto centre for the community of users to publish and read crypto-related articles and news for earning more BullyPit tokens the NFT marketplace will be launched to allow the community to trade their Artwork and claim future NFT drops. The community will receive 80% of the profit generated from BullyVerse as incentives drop.

BullyPit’s Achievements in the first week on Hoo Smart Chain

In the course of developing our project on HOO Smart Chain, we have made significant progress to create awareness and influencing actions to build the future of BullyPit, the first community-driven meme token on the Hoo network. Thus far, We are so happy to share our achievements in the past days. “Pay attention and get ready to dominate Folks!!”


Partnership is so far, the best strategical process to get quick exposure and gain knowledgable users in the crypto space. This is to bring more support to yield amazing success for BullyPit Band.

Here is our record of partnerships we achieved in the past few days to get a high potential influence on the space and get integrated into HOO trust core projects.

  1. We successfully partnered with Kriptonesia on 24/04/2022. The partnership was signed and successfully announced and stands as our first partner in the journey. More information can be found here:https://t.me/Komunitaskriptoind/92661
  2. We successfully achieved our 2nd partnership a few hours after the first was signed. We partnered with Universitascryptoallcoins community. More information can be found here: https://t.me/Universitascryptoallcoins/152093
  3. Here comes our 3rd partner. Cryptoligion is our 3rd partner and will be supporting the journey to success. More information can be found here: https://t.me/CryptoLigion/773506

Other achievements

Prior to HOO Smart chain, we have endeavoured to launch BullyPit on BNB smart chain, we get partners and run over 3 AMA to let people know deeply about our vision in the space. however, we understood that a new growing ecosystem is required for us to create the impact and the hype we need for our project. Thus, we have gone through internal changes and adjustment to run a good performance of the project accordingly to our roadmap. Hence, we have:

NB: Our forever partner remains Hoo smart chain as they will be supporting us in every step we take to see the success of BullyPit Project.

Watch out for what is coming as we are yet to achieve 5% of what we planned and expect to achieve. #bullypitarmy is dominating and ready to teach the world to learn and earn.


Name: BullyPit Token

Ticker: BPT

Blockchain: ORC20

Total supply: 1,000,000,000,000

Burn limit: 100,000,000

Team and advisors: 50,000,000,000 (5%) 10% release every 30 days

Lock Reserve: 200,000,000,000 (20%) & 5% release every 3 months.

Sale: 150,000,000,000 ( 15%)

Listing: 100,000,000,000 (10%)

Lock Marketing: 200,000,000,000 (20%) & 5% released every month

Farming: 300,000,000,000 (30%) locked for 60 days to be released at staking contract deployment.

Functions and Slippage:

  • Auto Liquidity:3%
  • Auto burn: 3%
  • Marketing wallet: 2%
  • Buying and selling spillage: 8%
  • charity: 20% of marketing funds and will be applied on $10,000 balance of the marketing wallet to support charity homes.

Sale information:

  • IDO platform: To be announced
  • Tokens for sale: 150,000,000,000 ( 15%)
  • Price: 3,000,000 BullyPit tokens/ HOO Token
  • Softcap: 250000 HOO Token
  • Hardcap: 50000 HOO Token
  • Initial Liquidity: 10% of total supply will be pooled with 70% of funds allocated from pre-sale.
  • Remaining 30% will be used on promotion and project growth.


Stage 1: Launch & Community building

  • Teams’ Kyc certificate release
  • Community building & Social campaign
  • Website launch
  • Contract creation and verification
  • Presale Marketing

Stage 2: Presale Launch & Community growth

  • Presale Whitelist program
  • Presale
  • Listing and locking for 10 years
  • Listing on CoinRanking: CMC and Coingecko
  • Community growth marketing: Shilling &, meme contest.
  • Giving out testers spots to the community. 10 Max

Stage 3: Development

  • BullyNFT minting and staking contract deployment
  • Token contract audit and staking contract audit
  • Strategic partnerships
  • Creating BullyPit staking pools on partners’ platform to earn multiple rewards

Stage 4:

  • Testing of Bullycryptocenter
  • Release of the first 10 educational courses for public access
  • Fully launching the Bullycryptocenter
  • Implementing wallet connect features and room to submit contents on Bullycryptocenter
  • Further developments to be implemented and roadmap, website and whitepaper to be updated as we grow.

