Bungalow brings affordable co-living to Boston market

2 min readApr 18, 2019


Boston, like many U.S. cities, faces complex rental challenges such as housing shortages and skyrocketing rents. Despite concerted efforts to increase housing stock with development plans, the City of Champions remains a tight market for most.

We started Bungalow almost two years ago to make cities more livable and welcoming … right now. We do this by unlocking access to untapped housing capacity (single-family homes), and reallocating it for multi-unit rentals (more rooms for more people). Our radical business model has helped us bring more housing units to market faster and with far less capital than any developer in major U.S. cities facing many of the same challenges Boston is up against, such as Los Angeles and New York City.

Now, after a few months of pilot operations, we’re excited to announce our official launch in Boston and expansion into the New England market.

Because we believe where you live should feel like home, we provide a turn-key rental experience that includes:

  • Convenience — Bungalow expertly matches potential roommates, provides furnished common areas, and takes care of utilities including WiFi and monthly cleaning services.
  • Community — we host monthly events for our residents, creating an instant community for those new to the city or who are looking to expand their social circle.
  • Affordability — On average, renting with Bungalow cost 30–40% less than a studio apartment.
  • Flexibility — Bungalow offers the ability to move between homes within cities and even between cities without having to break a lease.

Today, Bungalow has rooms available for rent in 15+ properties across Back Bay, Charlestown, Cambridge, and more. By the end of this year, we plan to quickly grow our Boston presence to 400+ rooms across 100+ properties.

For more information and to view current listings, visit bungalow.com/listings/boston.

