Teens at War

Bunmi Ashaye
4 min readJun 17, 2020

The teen age is characterized by some struggles and battles, caused by changes in the hormonal system( hormonal development). The battle begins as soon as puberty age is attained, and if teenagers are not properly guided, and mentored they might be held captive by these struggles. Some of which are; drug addictions, pornograpy, sexual urges and so on.

Some questions lay bare in the heart of teenagers, most of which they've not found visible answers to;

  • Can I ever win this battle against pornograpy
  • How can I get out of drug addictions
  • How can I control my sexual urges

Having these questions on your mind doesn’t make you abnormal at all, so don’t let these struggles enslave you into the thought that you’re the worst teenager ever lived. The fact that you admit to these things is the beginning of your victory. Now all you’ve got to do is pay attention to everything written here and ensure you get the best from this article for herein lies your victory over the teenage struggles. So sit back and ride on.

Drug Addictions

This is the huge dependence on drugs (mostly hard drugs) for relaxation, excitement, as a source of happiness, etc. Hard drugs are Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroine, and so on.

Most adults who are drug addicts started taking it from their teen age and you don't want to end up like them because they are battered, miserable, and they continually wish they did the right thing when they could.

If you a victim of drug addiction I’m here to tell you that you can stop it. You can once again live a sane life free from drug addiction.


This is a general term for materials( movies, magazines, novels) that reveal sexual acts or images, with the aim of making people feel sexually excited.

Pornograpy is an instrument used by the devil and this has been taking charge in the lives of young people. You must possibly think that since you’re not performing the act( sex) you’re safe. No Sir, No MA you’re not safe at all, it’s only a matter of time what is in you will flow out.

Though, pornograpy has been so generalized that watching, or reading its materials doesnt mean much anymore,but the truth is that it is still wrong.

It has a lasting effect on you, like a magnet it keeps drawing you and you keep feeding you lust.

It's time to say NO to nonsense, No to pornograpy.


As soon as you’ve attained puberty, you are bound to have sexual urges. At this stage your hormones are running wild, this is why your body reacts when you come in contact with the opposite sex. These urges are normal, but the thing is many teens are reacting to it negatively, feeding their flesh.

God originally ordained sex to be between husband and wife but now we can see that reverse is the case, some teenagers are through sex messing up with their lives.

Sex before marriage is totally wrong, if you’ve been engaging in it now is the time to stop. Get serious with your life and focus on things that matter dear teenagers.

No to sex before Marriage

Weapons to Win the War of the Teen Age


Let me introduce you to the only one that is able to help you. A songwriter sang saying, "Jesus is the answer for the world today above him there’s no other Jesus is the way." The sweet thing here is that he want to help you.He’s able to make you victorious over those struggles all you need to do is invite into your life, tell Him you need Him.

Talk to Jesus about your struggles today

Speak Out

Don't die in silence, silence is golden but in this instance it can be dangerous

At this stage of your life, you desperately need help which you might not get if you don’t speak out.

The devil wants to keep you in captivity of addictions, sex, pornograpy, etc. The only way you can break that chain is to speak out.

Talk to a trusted adult, someone you know can help you. Speak out, it is the beginning of your victory.

Seek Medical Help

Medical help is just as important if you're a victim of drug addictions. Fix an appointment with a psychologist and follow all their instructions to the letter.

Sooner than later drug addictions will become a thing of the past.

Set New Standards

This cannot be overemphasized,it is just as necessary as other weapons. It is the beginning of a new life. Redefine your priorities and set new standards. As a former victim of sexual struggles you have to get rid of the things that turns you on. Delete those videos and erotic music, unfollow those people that post nude pictures, and do the needful. Some friends you might not need in this your new life wave them good bye.

You are Made for More

In conclusion, you are made for more than anything pornograpy, sex and addictions can make out of you. God has more to offer you, He has plans and purpose for your life. You're a king dear teenager, a king has no dealings with rags( sex and addictions).So act like a king that you're.

Thank you

