Don’t Miss SBTW18

7 min readSep 19, 2017


You don’t want to miss SBTW18.

The Department of Defense (DoD) Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) in partnership with the Small Business Administration (SBA) is sponsoring Small Business Training Week (SBTW18). This annual event is slated for April 23-27, 2018, in New Orleans. It will feature an outstanding lineup of dynamic speakers as well as engaging workshops led by respected experts. Four days of learning and networking are capped off by the Vanguard Awards ceremony, a celebration recognizing outstanding achievements by Small Business Professionals.

Don’t miss the opportunity to gain insights from subject matter experts and network with acquisition professionals.

Who should attend SBTW18?

  • DoD Small Business Directors, Small Business Professionals, Program Managers, Contracting Officers and Contracting Specialists
  • SBA Procurement Center Representatives

Why should I attend SBTW18?

This event provides a wonderful opportunity to learn, build relationships and share best practices. You’ll be briefed on new legislation and policy changes. You’ll make invaluable connections and learn about tools, tactics and strategies that make you more effective at work. You can earn Continuous Learning Points (CLPs).

Where is the SBTW18 agenda?

Yes. You can view the agenda here. A short version of the agenda is here.

Who is speaking at SBTW18?

SBTW18 features 82 distinguished speakers. A list of speakers is here.

Will SBTW18 feature a separate Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) track?


Can I register for SBTW18?

Yes. The registration site is here.

What is the registration fee?

The registration fee is $500 per person.

Is DoD OSBP supplementing funding for attendees?

No; however, we are waiving the registration fee for one-day speakers.

Can industry attend this event?

No. SBTW18 is restricted to government employees; however, large prime contractors supporting small business programs can attend the DoD Southeast Regional Council (SERC) workshop on Monday, April 23, 2018. Small Business Liaison Officers (SBLOs) who wish to attend the SERC workshop can register here.

Are SBTW18 attendees required to attend the SERC workshop?

No. SBTW18 attendees who wish to attend the SERC workshop should RSVP for the event on the SBTW18 registration site.

What is the dress code?

The dress code is the attendee’s choice: business or business casual. Dress slacks, khakis, a shirt (with or without a tie), a polo shirt, dress or skirt are acceptable attire. We suggest you bring a sweater or dress in layers because room temperatures can fluctuate.

What is the hashtag?

Tweet about what you learn during the week using the hashtag #SBTW18. Tweets from #SBTW17 are here.

Where can I find photos from SBTW17?

Photos from SBTW17 can be viewed in the video below.

Photos by SGT Ricky Bowden

Who spoke at SBTW17?

More than 70 speakers — including Mr. Richard Aldridge, Mr. Robert Foster, Mr. John Miller, Mr. Robb Wong, Mr. Ken Dodds, Ms. Jackie Robinson-Burnette, Dr. James Galvin, Mr. Sean Crean, Ms. Alice Williams, Mr. Chris Harrington and Mr. Lee Rosenberg— shared their valuable insights and experience at SBTW17 in Atlanta.

Can you match the SBTW17 speaker to the correct quote?

1. “When you’re doing market research, remember your resource partners: Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, Minority Business Development Centers and Small Business Development Centers.”
2. “Be tough and tender.”
3. “This job is entirely reliant on soft skills.”
4. “It’s not about being right because sometimes being right is the wrong thing to do.”
5. “Be a ‘yes, if’ person, not a ‘no, because’ person.”
6. “Get a seat at the table. Be involved in procurements early, not in the middle or end.”
7. “Hierarchy creates structure for training and learning. Networking creates pathways for rapid knowledge transfer.”
8. “I’ve always believed that you don’t say ‘no,’ but show how.”
9. “We want to make sure that you’re putting the right NAICS code with the right Woman-Owned Small Business set-aside.”
10. “We want to create and expand entrepreneurship in this country.”
11. “We can’t stick an eight-track tape into an MP3 player.”
12. “There are two people who can stop a procurement: a Contracting Officer and a Procurement Center Representative.”
13. “Small businesses create jobs. Jobs create a stronger economy.”
14. “Market research isn’t supposed to be done by one person. It’s a team effort.”
15. “A good small business portfolio starts with the Small Business Professional.”
16. “Game-changing technologies are embedded in small companies.”
17. “We can’t depend on one large vendor. We have to develop diversity in our supply chain.”
18. “The PEO’s mindset is about cost, schedule and performance.”
19. “We expect small businesses to deliver what they promise. We don’t tolerate bad performance.”
20. “Small businesses play an important role of providing combat power for our troops and economic power for our nation.”

Answer Key
1. Ms. Janice Buffler, Associate Director, Subcontracting Policy, DoD OSBP
2. Mr. Pete Hunter, Associate Director, Army Medical Command OSBP
3. Mr. David Christ, Assistant Director, Army Research Laboratory OSBP
4. Mr. David Christ, Assistant Director, Army Research Laboratory OSBP
5. Mr. Pete Hunter, Associate Director, Army Medical Command OSBP
6. Ms. Pamela Callicutt, Deputy Director, Army OSBP
7. Dr. James Galvin, Acting Director, DoD OSBP
8. Mr. Robb Wong, Associate Administrator, Office of Government Contracting & Business Development, SBA
9. Ms. Valerie Coleman, Prime Contracts, Program Manager, Office of Government Contracting, SBA
10. Ms. Holly Schick, Director, All Small Mentor-Protégé Program, SBA
11. Ms. Tatia Evelyn Bellamy, Director, DCMA OSBP
12. Mr. Derrick Hu, Deputy Director, NAWCWD OSBP
13. Mr. Michael McLaughlin, Assistant Director, Office of Policy, Planning and Liaison, SBA
14. Ms. Danielle Shaw, Lead Integrated Solutions Architect, Office of Emerging Technology, Air Force
15. Mr. Richard Aldridge, Program Executive Officer for Business and Enterprise Systems, Maxwell Air Force Base
16. Mr. Richard Aldridge, Program Executive Officer for Business and Enterprise Systems, Maxwell Air Force Base
17. Mr. Robert Foster, Deputy Director, Information Operations (J6), DLA
18. Mr. John Miller, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition Integration, Air Force
19. Mr. Robert Foster, Deputy Director, Information Operations (J6), DLA
20. Dr. James Galvin, Acting Director, DoD OSBP

Where can I find videos from SBTW17?

Video recordings of all of the SBTW17 general sessions are here.

In the Small Business Program Implementation general session, senior executives from the Army, Air Force and Defense Contract Management Agency identified best practices for establishing and preserving productive working relationships between Contracting Officers and Small Business Offices.

In the Overcoming Challenges with Small Business Participation general session, senior leaders from the Air Force and Defense Logistics Agency identified best practices for integrating small business into supply chains.

Where can I find the SBTW17 slides?

The speaker presentations from SBTW17 can be downloaded here.

Who should I contact with questions?

Contact DoD OSBP at 571.372.6191 or

We hope to see you in New Orleans!


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We maximize opportunities for small businesses to compete for DoD prime contracts and subcontracts.