5 tasks you can offload to your team as a marketing manager

Mark Ellis
3 min readFeb 27, 2018


You don’t have to do everything as the marketing manager.

Seriously — you need to give yourself a break.

If the days zoom by without stopping for breath and you forever seem to be chasing both your tail and an ever-growing to-do list, you need to get far better at delegation.

The problem might be letting go or simply that you don’t trust your team to do as good a job as you.

Well, I’ve got some news for you: you can let go, and you can trust your team. If you combine a desire to delegate certain tasks to the good people in your office with the latest project management tools for marketing managers, you’ll regain a significant amount of your time.

To get you started, and to help you get back on track with your own, important tasks, here’s five things you can offload to your team as a marketing manager:

1. Blogging

Come on — how much time have you got to write, proof and publish that 500 word blog post every week?

You haven’t got any time for it, which is why it slips every single time.

Blog writing and management is best handled by your team. Sure, you can wade in with a thought leadership piece now and again, but the main content marketing effort needn’t take up your own time.

2. Event coordination

If you stage a number of marketing events throughout the year or regularly appear at trade shows, you may have fallen into the common marketing manager trap of organising most of it yourself.

If that’s the case, you’ll also be acutely aware of how big a time suck event coordination is.

Instead, give it to someone in the team who’s adept at managing complex tasks — they’ll relish it.

3. Surveys and market research

Creating effective marketing strategies and campaigns relies on hard-and-fast data from which you can draw insight.

Unfortunately, getting that hard-and-fast data is anything but straightforward, and may currently take up an inordinate amount of your time putting together surveys and conducting market research.

This is definitely something you should offload to your team, not least because it will give you back oodles of time, but also because it will help with their development as they delve deeper into your market and customer base.

4. Networking

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with getting out once in a while and meeting people face-to-face. In fact, it should be encouraged if you’re the marketing manager.

However, if you find that networking is taking up more of your diary space than is strictly necessary, you really should hand the baton onto members of your team.

Networking can take both digital and physical forms, and just like market research, the more your team indulges in it, the more rounded, connected marketers they’ll become.

5. Social media

This one is a simple delegation tip to end on, because it’s one of the easiest to hand over to someone else.

As the marketing manager, you should not be spending your time scheduling social media posts and replying to incoming messages from followers.

This is a vitally important task, but you have far better things to be doing. Appoint a social media manager within your team, and hand the task of publishing and managing your various social channels to them.

Wrap up

If you methodically work through the list above, I’m convinced you’ll claw back a significant amount of your time.

More importantly, you’ll give the team tasks they really should be undertaking, and which will help them develop into a lean, mean and incredibly productive marketing machine.



Mark Ellis

Mark Ellis is a content marketer who specialises in blogging and content creation for businesses of all sizes. Hire him to have your business story told.