Is Music Production for You?

2 min readMar 22, 2017


A simple quiz you can take to determine if you REALLY want to get into music production, as a hobby or career.

  1. Can you take harsh criticism?
    🗅 Yes
    🗅 No
  2. Do you get easily frustrated?
    🗅 Yes
    🗅 No
  3. Do you always compare your results to expert level results?
    🗅 Yes
    🗅 No
  4. Are you willing to invest in self education?
    🗅 Yes
    🗅 No
  5. Did you always find yourself dabbling with music as a kid?
    🗅 Yes
    🗅 No
  6. Do you own a laptop/computer, mobile, or money for gear?
    🗅 Yes
    🗅 No
  7. Are you easily inspired when listening to others’ music?
    🗅 Yes
    🗅 No
  8. Do you listen to the music in your head (Thinking for yourself)?
    🗅 Yes
    🗅 No
  9. Are you willing to research sounds and samples?
    🗅 Yes
    🗅 No
  10. Can you bring multiple talents together to create results?
    🗅 Yes
    🗅 No

If you scored 7/10 yes’s or more, you are most likely going to do well in music production.

Busy Works Beats LLC © 2017

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Thank you and please share with your friends :)


