How To Promote Your OnlyFans ($10K Per Month Methods)

Buttler Camlord
17 min readOct 21, 2023

Last updated: June 13, 2024

Everybody’s heard about the OnlyFans models that are making over $10,000 PER MONTH, but so many content creators on the platform seem to be completely unaware of how to go about promoting themselves in a way that can get them to that level of income.

How to promote your OnlyFans on social media and cam sites.
Photo by Igor Starkov on Unsplash

Well, I’m here to tell you that blowing up your OnlyFans numbers IS indeed possible, when you know how to properly promote your page. There are tactics I’ve been teaching creators for years that are DEADLY EFFECTIVE and can lift pretty much anyone up into the realm of the top OF accounts.

I’m going to share some of the free ways that you, as a content creator or manager, can really ramp things up and get the serious cha-cha flowing like sweet honey into your bank account.

Hey, my name’s Buttler, and I’m a long-time spicy digital marketer and OnlyFans coach with more marketing knowledge in my brain than I know what to do with, so I’m gonna pack some of it into this phat OnlyFans promotion guide.

OnlyFans coach Buttler Camlord’s promotional tips for OF creators.

Just sit back, grab that bong, load up some of your best ganja, and prepare to learn exactly how to promote your OnlyFans the way the most successful content creators do.

Before you dive deep into the juiciness tho, be sure to subscribe to my OnlyFans Marketing Tips email newsletter here. It’s FREE, and I share a lot of advanced tips there I don’t talk about ANYWHERE else for gratis.

Ok, let’s chop into this coconut.

Twitter(X) For OnlyFans Promotion

Promoting an OnlyFans page on TwitterX can be a highly effective method to bring large numbers of subscribers to your account. Twitter, which is now known as X, is one of the few social media platforms that allows adult content, so its where you’ll find many OnlyFans models promoting themselves.

There are also some VERY demographically desirable communities on TwitterX which, when engaged correctly, can yield big-spending subscribers. Here’s how an OnlyFans content creator can go about using TwitterX to maximum effect:

  1. Optimize Your Profile: Start by creating a Twitter profile that reflects your persona as a content creator. Use a clear and attractive profile picture and header photo, but make sure the images do not contain nudity. TwitterX forbids nudity or explicit content in avatars and header images.
  2. Bio and Pinned Tweet: Craft a compelling and enticing bio that mentions your OnlyFans and piques curiosity about your premium content. Pin a tweet that introduces your content, includes a link, and encourages followers to subscribe.
  3. Engaging Content: Regularly post engaging and teaser content related to your OnlyFans offerings. Share snippets, images, or exclusive updates without giving away everything for free. The teaser does need to contain some thirst-inducing content tho, or it won’t get retweeted much.
  4. Use Hashtags: Utilize relevant hashtags in your tweets to reach a broader audience. For example, use #OnlyFans, #AdultContent, and other appropriate keywords, especially if your content caters to fetishes.
  5. Engage with Followers: Interact with your followers, reply to comments, and show appreciation for their support. Building a community is key to retaining subscribers, plus the TwitterX algo rewards high engagement accounts with more visibility on tweets.
  6. Promotions and Discounts: Announce special promotions or discounts exclusively for your Twitter followers. Limited-time offers can entice new subscribers exceptionally well due to the marketing power of urgency and FOMO.
  7. Collaborate: Partner with other creators or influencers in the same niche for shoutouts or retweets. This can help you tap into their audience. Retweet groups are one of the powerful methods currently being used on TwitterX to promote OnlyFans accounts. Contact creators who retweet other OnlyFans models a lot and ask to join their group. Try to focus on retweet groups in your niche. For example, if you’re a BBW, go after the BBW groups and avoid the thin chick groups.
  8. Scheduled Posts: Use scheduling tools to maintain a consistent posting schedule. This keeps your content in front of your audience regularly and warms them up for more. Batching your posts (creating a bunch on the same day, then scheduling them for posting over the next several weeks) is strongly recommended to maintain audience interest in your content.
  9. Twitter Blue: Consider using Twitter Blue to reach a wider audience. Blue checkmark accounts get more visibility because their tweets are shown ahead of non-blue tweets in threads. Twitter Blue has a monthly fee, but its modest and most OnlyFans creators agree that its very worth it if you’re serious about promoting your OnlyFans on this platform.
  10. Engage in Trends: Participate in trending topics by posting content on subjects that are trending on TwitterX. You’ll find the tab showing current trends in the app or on the website.
  11. Building an initial following on TwitterX can be challenging, so what I usually recommend that models do is to start camming at a high-traffic cam site and push viewers to their TwitterX account promising exclusive explicit teasers of new content. This can allow you to build up a few thousand followers relatively quickly and will enable you to gain access to the bigger retweet groups that drive so many OnlyFans subscriptions. More on camming as an OnlyFans promotion method below.

Remember to follow Twitter’s guidelines and policies regarding adult content to avoid any issues with your account. For example, be sure to mark your TwitterX account as “sensitive” in your settings, so that your tweets will only be shown uncensored to those who agree to view explicit content.

As I mentioned above, TwitterX has certain communities that smart OnlyFans models target when attempting to reel-in big spending whale subscribers. I don’t share this tactic publicly, but you can discover more about it in my OnlyFans promotion course over here.

Instagram Reels Promotion

The Reels feature on Instagram has exploded in popularity, due largely to how aggressively IG has pushed its short form video content in an attempt to compete with Tik Tok.

It used to be that photos were king on Instagram, but no longer. Today, its all about Reels videos. If employed correctly, Reels can be used by OnlyFans models to huge effect in promoting their page.

Key things to keep in mind when using Reels:

  • Instagram is an adult-unfriendly platform, so you can’t post nudity or explicit content on it like you can on TwitterX. Adult models tend to get their accounts deleted frequently, and it’s usually over posting content that is too borderline. Make sure never to post content that shows your pubic or crotch areas for more than a second, even when clothed. Any lingering shots on your nether regions will trigger an account suspension, if they catch you.
  • Create reels on trending content as much as possible. Follow big models in your niche and observe their posting activity. See what trends are working for them and try those out yourself by creating and posting content around them.
  • Keep at it. As is the case on TwitterX, and pretty much all other social media platforms, consistency in posting is essential in attracting and retaining an audience. You will want to batch content, but you will also need to be flexible enough to promptly produce content on topics that go trending. Just try to post something a few times per week at minimum.
  • Promote engagement. Engagement on Reels is a factor that the IG algorithm takes into account when deciding whether or not to push out your videos. Promote viewer engagement by challenging your audience to leave comments and respond to them when they do.
  • Don’t post reels that are too long. Remember, this is a short form platform, and the algorithm considers how long your viewers stick around to watch your videos. Often times, people won’t stay to watch a full minute video, but will watch a 20 second video all the way to the end. You want them to watch the full video, the algo loves that and will reward your posts with more exposure as a result.
  • The hook is important AF. Try to use a good “hook” at the beginning of each reel to intrigue the viewer and keep them watching. Could be a question, a silly face, or even a weird optical illusion. Just try to make watching the whole video irresistible in that first 3 seconds at the start of the reel.

Using Instagram Reels strategically can help you create engaging, bite-sized content that effectively promotes your OnlyFans page to a much broader audience, so it makes sense to employ this platform if you feel it’s within your capabilities.

YouTube For OnlyFans Promotion

One of the most overlooked, but also most effective platforms to use in promoting your OnlyFans is actually YouTube, believe it or not. YouTube has a massive user base, and if you know what kind of content to produce, you can attract high-value subscribers to your OnlyFans that can end up spending a LOT.

The models that have the most luck on YouTube are generally the ones who post a bunch of OnlyFans journey content. In other words, they post videos talking about how they’re doing on OF, what they’re learning about the business, and how much money they’re making.

OnlyFans journey videos are quite popular on YouTube, and they tend to attract not only other creators looking for tips, but also high-value potential subscribers.

This type of content attracts primarily two kinds of people. The first kind is, of course, new and struggling OnlyFans creators. They love watching OnlyFans journey videos because it helps them understand the business and develop strategies for their own OF based on what is working for other content creators.

You can actually monetize these viewers by promoting OnlyFans courses, like mine, on your channel for a per-sale commission. More information on that over here. You can also use your OnlyFans creator referral link and earn 5% of the revenues generated by your referrals, which can be HUGELY lucrative.

The OnlyFans referral program allows you to make 5% commission on the first year revenues of every new creator you refer to the platform.

The second type of audience this content attracts is educated, intelligent men who like watching attractive women (or guys) talk about their business experiences in the adult industry. Yes, believe it or not, there ARE actually dudes out there that are interested in more than jiggling flesh.

And these guys tend to be very high value as subscribers go. In other words, they SPEND. Educated and intelligent usually means lots more money to spend, and if you strike up a connection with these guys, some of them will become “whales” on your OnlyFans account.

Some whales spend tens of thousands per month tipping OnlyFans models they bond with. Believe me, whales are good, and YouTube happens to be a great platform to fish for them.

Here are a few tips on utilizing YouTube for OnlyFans promotion.

  • Talk about your experience with OnlyFans, whether its been good or bad. Share your wins AND your losses, it humanizes you and gets viewers invested in your adventure. They will feel eager to watch your next video to see what happens next in your journey.
  • Keep your channel content on point, don’t discuss lots of different topics. Each video should be packed with your insights and experiences running your OnlyFans business, don’t veer off into relationship problems, veterinarian bills, or bad weed purchases. Believe me, I feel you on that last one, but gotta stay focused!
  • Wear sexy tops when you do videos. Nudity isn’t allowed on YouTube, but that doesn’t mean you can’t wear tight tank tops, cleavage revealing blouses, or things of that nature. Give the guys something to look at while they listen to your business tales.
  • Use grabby thumbnails for your videos. On YouTube, your thumbnail can determine whether your video gets 100 views, or 100,000. One of the best tricks is to use highly expressive shots of your face in the thumbnail, coupled with a short question. So, you might take a picture of yourself with a shocked expression on your face, then put it on the thumbnail next to text that says something like “I couldn’t believe HOW MUCH!” The video would ideally be about how much you made on OF the previous month. This is the kind of thumbnail that gets people intrigued and compells click throughs. The higher your click through rate on a video, the more the Youtube algorithm will promote it, generally speaking. The title should also be clickbaity, but make sure it’s basically accurate about the video content.

If you like the idea of starting a YouTube channel, but don’t like the idea of dealing with video editing, creating thumbnails, or employing SEO, check out my YouTube traffic program over here.

Promote OnlyFans on Cam Sites

This is probably the most deadly effective promotion method for new models who don’t have a large social media following, and it happens to be one I possess a high degree of expertise in.

Cam sites are truly one of the best corners of the internet to find high value subscribers for OnlyFans, and utilizing this method doesn’t require tons of work building accounts on various social platforms.

How to promote OnlyFans on cam sites.
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

You basically just sit on webcam, chat, bond, and cultivate devoted OF subscribers who generally spend way more on average than guys you reel in on IG or TikTok.

Not to dis Instagram or TikTok, but the audiences on those platforms tend to be on the young side. Young people tend to be broke AF, unfortunately, so targeting them will generally produce low-value subscribers that don’t spend a lot individually.

Sure, you can make great money with large numbers of these subscribers, but it soon becomes very difficult to manage them all yourself.

While TikTok and Instagram are commonly used to promote OnlyFans, using these platforms come with drawbacks. Reeling in low-value subscribers is typical, as opposed to cam sites, where big-spenders can be found.

Models who attract large numbers of low-value subscribers tend to employ “chatters” and “sexters” to work their DMs, trying to dupe their fans and get them to spend money on content. This is really the only way to monetize such a vast ocean of guys who don’t have much money to spend.

There IS a better and much more ethical way, thankfully, because the webcam modeling method allows you to employ a “quality over quantity” strategy instead.

You see, on cam sites, you can attract older guys who have much more money to spend, and who can be cultivated to become “whales,” which are subscribers who spend money on models like it’s going out of style.

Some whales will spend TENS OF THOUSANDS per month on a model they’re into. As you can imagine, having more of these subscribers, and less of the low-value ones, will allow you to avoid having to use chatters and still make mega bank.

Cam sites are where whales hang out, mostly because older guys got started interacting with adult models on cam sites back 15 to 20 years ago. You know, back in the “before times” when OnlyFans wasn’t even twinkle in anybody’s eye.

These guys LOVE hanging out with attractive models on live streams because they know they’re talking to a real person, plus there’s the social aspect of hanging with other members in the chat rooms and showing off their financial muscle by tipping huge in public.

Big spender “whales” tend to be older, smarter, and less likely to fall for “chatters” and other such tricks used by many top accounts.

For beginner OnlyFans models, this is probably an ideal subscriber acquisition method because it doesn’t involve having to build up social media accounts. It’s a pain in the ass to consistently post content, day after day, and have to wait sometimes months before your accounts gain traction.

On a cam site, you’ll have eyeballs on you the moment you go live. And these guys are already prepared to spend money, they just need to warm up to you and connect in some way.

More: How to make money on OnlyFans as a couple…

That’s when the tipping begins — and trust me, if you handle things correctly, your bank can start bulging faster than a Miami girl’s ass after a session of booty injections in Little Havana.

Now, In order to employ the webcam modeling method for OnlyFans promotion, you’ll need a computer (laptop or desktop) with a webcam, and an internet connection.

If you don’t have a computer, you just might want to invest in one so you can do this, it’s beyond worth it. You can pick up a decent used laptop with built-in webcam that will do the job for about a hundo or two on Ebay.

Here are the main things to keep in mind as you go about working cam sites:

  • Be patient first few sessions. Your first few sessions are entirely about connecting with your audience of viewers and warming them up to spend money and subscribe to your OF. Don’t expect any tips, content sales, or subscriptions for the first week or two as this process unfolds. This is totally normal and to be expected since you’re brand new to the site. You need to push through this period to get to the promised land on the other side.
  • Non-nude camming works. You DO NOT have to get naked on cam or do explicit stuff if you don’t want to. Some of the highest earning webcam models actually don’t get naked, either in public chat or in private shows. It will all depend on you. If you’ve got personality, or gorgeous looks, or some kind of special draw, you’ll probably do great as a non-nude webcam model. The most important factor is your ability to connect with your audience and make them feel at home in your chat room. The biggest spenders actually don’t primarily want tits and ass, they want companionship above all.
  • Lovense Lush is a superpower on cam. If you do decide to go the explicit route, make extensive use of the Lovense Lush remote-controlled vibrator. This little spicy device, which looks like a big pink teardrop, is one of the most effective ways to get your viewers engaged and spending money. It’s honestly the most powerful tool a webcam model has in her arsenal for jacking up session token totals because it allows viewers to “buzz” her on demand lol. They tip, you get a jolt in the ol’ coochie-coo. A Lush can be had for around a hundred bucks, and it usually pays for itself in a single camming session. There’s also an anal version called the “Hush,” which works the same way and is perfect for guys and ladies alike. More info here.
  • Most cam sites suck. Not all cam sites are created equal for purposes of promoting OnlyFans. You want to concentrate on certain sites that are known to attract big spenders and won’t ban you for pushing viewers to your OF. Check out my current site recommendation here.
  • You’re fishing for whales, not huge nets full of tuna. Remember that this method is all about quality, not quantity, so yielding a large number of subscribers is NOT the goal. You want to use the unique features that cam sites provide to build a real connection and bond with the type of guys who spend large amounts of money, then get them over to your OF for further monetizing. There are lots of juicy methods for doing this that I don’t discuss publicly, so check out my Uber Fans Magnet course here to learn more.

Subscribe to my FREE OnlyFans Marketing Tips newsletter here! I cover advanced methods there I don’t talk about ANYWHERE else!

Finally, I want to give an honorable mention to a few other promo methods that many OF creators have had success with. I’ll probably go into each one in more depth eventually, but here are some bullet points on how to promote your OnlyFans with these platforms.


  • Reddit works best for promoting fetishy OF pages. If you’re producing content in the foot fetish, femdom, spanking, findom, or other such niches, you may find it useful to be active posting content in the relevant subreddits. A lot of fetishists call Reddit home, so it can make sense.
  • Successful Reddit promotion is all about following the rules. Believe me, you don’t want to violate the rules on Reddit, they will slap a ban on your ass faster than a biblical zotting. Read the rules of the subreddits you’re targeting carefully and stick to them.
  • Expect to put your back into this method, it can take a lot of work and some time to see results. Those who stick it out and cater to the right kinks usually can do pretty well though.


  • This platform is quite hostile to spicy accounts, but the sheer number of users on it makes it worthwhile for a lot of content creators. As I mentioned before, the TikTok audience is going to be on the lower end of the scale quality-wise, but if your account blows up, you’ll have more subscribers than you know what to do with.
  • Create content around trending topics, sounds, and themes, and try to post a video at least 3 times per day. Be consistent and don’t stop, the algorithm will pick up and push one of your videos eventually.
  • Make sure NEVER to link directly to your OnlyFans from your bio, or even to a linkhub page (LinkTree, AllMyLinks) that links to your OnlyFans. TikTok will ban your butt if you even imply that you’ve got an OF. Best method is to link directly to your email club, but if you don’t have one, link to your IG profile.
  • Since its difficult to push fans from your TikTok directly to your OF, its important that you use an original model name that is unique. That way, when horny fans who just watched your latest yoga pants TikTok vid head over to Google to search for your OnlyFans, it will be YOUR links that show up and not some dentist’s in Pacoima (my last dentist was named “Shuggy Rocks,” I shit you not). Use a name NOBODY else is using.
  • Keep your expectations reasonable on new subscribers who come in through TikTok. Like I said, these guys won’t typically spend much, but if you get hundreds or thousands of them subbed to your OF, what they do spend can obviously add up quick. I never recommend using chatters, but if this is your main promotion method, you may find that you have little choice.


  • Since Telegram has become extremely popular with guys seeking leaked OnlyFans content, it may make sense to exploit this by putting up your own group for promotional purposes. This is definitely NOT a big spender acquisition method, but you can still yield some juice going this route.
  • Start a Telegram group and load it up with lots of teaser content and promo for your OnlyFans. You’ll want to then post the link all over the free porn forums, as well as in the comments of blog posts about OnlyFans content. Search on Google for “onlyfans leaks” and “onlyfans telegram groups” to find some.
  • I recommend using a free OnlyFans account with this promo tactic, so you can get these guys subscribed without them having to shell out, which gives you an opportunity to warm them up to actually spend some cheddar down the road. You can also send them to your email club first, if you have one, which is an even better option for warming up your fans.
  • Again, don’t expect to get Elon rich using this method, the guys who look for free porn on these forums and blogs aren’t typically the big spending type, but it can bag you a good number of subscribers to get started with, especially if you’ve got a free OF account to feed.
  • Telegram isn’t only for pushing your OF link, you will also find lots of model advice and collab groups there where S4S (Shout For Shout) deals can be made with other creators. You will also be able to arrange retweet group deals, collab arrangements, and learn from other models. Make sure to schmooze with other creators as much as possible so you can get invites to the best groups.

Ok people, so these are some of the best ways to promote your OnlyFans for free, or near free. There are paid promotion options as well, which I will be writing a piece on soon, so stay tuned for that.

If you haven’t yet, subscribe to my FREE email newsletter here for OF marketing tips I don’t share publicly!

If you got some value from this bad boy, I’m afraid I’m gonna need to ask you to slap that clapper around like it’s therapeutic (a few hundred claps will do tho, don’t wear yourself out).

Oh, and see if you can share this article far and wide so other content creators can partake of the promotional juiciness!

Until next time, mis amigos!



Buttler Camlord

I am He who is Camlord. Spicy digital marketing tips galore.