Things on my new year’s resolution list

Pranav Pawar
2 min readDec 15, 2022


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Do you know what the most profitable month of gyms is? If you guessed it January, it's correct. Every December we make resolutions that we will do this and that and make a list of 1000000♾️ things, but we fail to do all of them and just do a couple of them. I don’t make resolutions, rather I follow habits.

Last year, what I learnt from Ankur Warikoo, is that he makes and follows habits instead of new year resolutions. By making goals, you forget them. Nut when you follow habits, you grow slowly, but the results are massive in the long term. James Clear talks about the 1% Rule in his book Atomic Habits.

So here are the habits I want to follow from 2022:

  1. Exercise daily

When I shifted from Pune to Delhi in October 2021, I was in the best shape of my body. But after eating a lot of street food and me stopped doing exercise, I became inconsistent in doing exercise and gained weight. But in December 2022, I started going to the gym regularly.

So, next year, I want to continue these habits

2. Reading

I read a lot of blogs and newsletters on the internet. It helped me a lot. I read fewer books this year. But focused on blogs.

Next year I want to continue the habit of reading for at least 30 minutes a day. My goal is not to read 52 books in 2023, I want to build a habit of reading 30 minutes a day.

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3. Meditate daily

I didn’t meditate regularly. But the habit of 2023 I want to build is to do Sudarshan Kriya, a breathing practice and meditate daily. I missed it many times this year, but I’ll be consistent after today

4. Meet new people

I met many many new people this year from Twitter and meetups. But I want to try to meet new people every week. I have learnt a lot from meeting new people and I want to learn more

I haven’t thought about which new habits to build next year. But there is one habit I want to build. That’s daily writing. Not daily journaling, but writing on a specific topic on the internet. Weekly newsletters will go on. I’ll be writing a newsletter on the same topic. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive updates

