How To Participate In MiSon Mega $SON IDO And Airdrop

ByTrade Exchange
4 min readApr 11, 2023


MiSon, a decentralized innovative contract liquidity aggregation protocol, is set to debut with a massive $SON initial decentralized offering (IDO) and airdrop that will take place on its official website and social media, as well as on ByTrade.

The MiSon Initial DEX Offering (IDO) is an event where 750 million SON tokens will be sold to the public for the first time on April 24, 2023.

To celebrate the IDO, 15 million SON tokens Airdrop will be given to qualified participants. You can get 50 SON tokens when you join the MiSon Telegram group.

Participating in the MiSon IDO and airdrop is an excellent opportunity to get SON tokens early, potentially at a discounted price. However, to join the IDO, you must follow specific steps.

How do I qualify to participate in the $SON IDO and airdrop?

STEP 1: Stay up-to-date with MiSon’s social media channels to ensure that you receive the latest updates and announcements regarding the IDO. These channels include Twitter, Telegram, and Instagram.

STEP 2: Download and Register on ByTrade, the platform hosting the IDO (If you are already registered, you can participate just by providing your UID).

STEP 3: Once registered, you must pass ByTrade KYC (if you do NOT pass your KYC process, you will NOT receive your FREE TOKENS).

Step 4: After completing the registration and KYC process, you can participate in the IDO and get 50 $SON tokens for free.

How do I get my 50 $SON token for free?

1. Click the link to complete the form:

2. Like, Retweet, and Follow @MiSonProtocol

3. Share your completed form Screenshot in the Twitter comment section

Introducing MiSon: What is MiSon Protocol?

MiSon is an open-source asset management protocol combining artificial intelligence (AI) and DeFi Liquidity Aggregation Protocol. As a result, it can achieve long-term stable income, improve capital utilization, and increase revenue with low risk.

MiSon is built to perform specific functions through smart contracts and AI, such as algorithmic arbitrage, trade execution, asset custody, balance allocation, investment/redemption, compensation mining, fee allocation, etc.

What makes MiSon different from other protocols?

MiSon is focused on providing users with Real Yield in the DeFi world — helping users get revenue from generating real income, not from a token issue.

The MiSON protocol has a better user experience than other financial management contracts. Through its prediction machine + radar pre-authorization components, risks are minimized, and users get to make more revenue.

MiSon also created a profit-backed token named SON. The MiSON protocol’s SON token economic model helps protect crypto investors’ principal security and avoid losses while increasing the rate of return.

SON and its utilities

The SON token is an integral part of the MiSON protocol, offering various benefits to its holders. Here are some of the benefits that come with owning SON tokens:

  1. Profit sharing: As a profit-backed token, SON holders can participate in the economic distribution of the MiSON protocol. Whenever the protocol earns profits, 70% of the total profit is allocated to the financial protocol users, and 30% is allocated to the MiSon token LP liquidity pool, which is automatically redeemed for SON in bulk. The redeemed SON is directly destroyed, while the LP participants are rewarded with transaction slippage.
  2. Trading: SON tokens can be traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges, providing liquidity to investors and enabling them to buy or sell their tokens quickly and easily.
  3. Lending: The MiSON protocol allows users to lend their tokens to earn interest. SON token holders can participate in this lending process and earn interest on their holdings.
  4. Insurance: The MiSON protocol includes a minting insurance protocol that helps protect investors’ principal security and avoid losses. SON token holders can benefit from this insurance coverage and minimize investment risk.
  5. Liquidity mining: Its economic model enables the protocol users to obtain tokens to compensate for losses through “Minting Compensation” when the investment principal is lost. These tokens can be sold, held, or used in LP to increase returns.

Closing remark

The MiSon IDO and airdrop are exciting opportunities for investors to participate in the growth of the MiSon protocol and the broader DeFi ecosystem.

By following the necessary steps and staying up-to-date with MiSon’s announcements, investors can potentially acquire SON tokens at an early stage and benefit from the growth of the protocol in the long term.

With the launch of MiSON, crypto users can now access secure, lossless/ efficient, and convenient/excess profit value creation.

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