Mark Price vs. Last Price: Which Matters More in Crypto Futures Trading?

ByTrade Exchange
3 min readSep 21, 2023


Trading crypto futures is a high-stakes, dynamic environment where traders must successfully negotiate a wide range of factors. Mark Price and Last Price are two of the most important concepts that frequently stand at the core of trading choices. How well you understand the underlying distinctions and implications of these terms can determine the success or failure of your trading.

But which one matters more? In this article, we’ll delve into Mark Price and Last Price, how they work, where to find them in futures trading, their uses, and ultimately, which one holds more significance in the world of crypto futures trading.

What is Mark and Last Price?

Mark Price and Last Price are essential components of futures contracts. The Mark Price is a calculated value that represents the current market price of the asset underlying the futures contract. It’s often used to determine margin requirements and liquidation levels. On the other hand, Last Price refers to the most recent transaction price of a futures contract.

How does Mark Price and Last Price work?

Mark Price is typically calculated based on the average of the spot market prices over a specified time period. This approach reduces the risk of manipulation and ensures a fair valuation of the futures contract. Last Price, on the other hand, is the exact price at which the last trade took place.

Where can Mark and Last Price be found in futures trading?

Both Mark Price and Last Price can be found on trading platforms that offer crypto futures contracts such as ByTrade. These values are usually displayed prominently to help traders make informed decisions.

Uses of Mark Price and Last Price

Mark Price plays a crucial role in determining margin requirements and liquidation levels. It ensures that traders maintain sufficient collateral to cover their positions. Last Price, on the other hand, provides real-time information on recent trades, aiding traders in tracking market movements.

Which matters more in futures trading? Mark or Last Price?

When it comes to crypto futures trading, Mark Price takes precedence. It’s the more stable and fair representation of the asset’s value, minimising the risk of manipulation. Traders must closely monitor the Mark Price to manage their positions effectively.

Why is Mark Price and Last Price important?

Mark Price and Last Price are vital for risk management in crypto futures trading. Mark Price ensures that traders maintain adequate margin, while Last Price provides real-time trade data. Both are integral to making informed decisions in this volatile market.

Scenarios where Mark Price or Last Price can be used:

  • Mark Price: Used for margin calculations and liquidation triggers.
  • Last Price: Useful for tracking recent trade activity and market trends.

FAQs about Mark Price and Last Price

  • Can I trade crypto futures without considering Mark Price or Last Price?

It’s not recommended. Mark Price and Last Price are essential for managing risk and making informed trading decisions.

  • Do different exchanges have variations in their Mark Price and Last Price calculations?

Yes, the methodology for calculating these prices can vary between exchanges, so it’s crucial to understand each platform’s approach.

Trade crypto futures on ByTrade

Now that you understand the significance of Mark Price and Last Price in crypto futures trading, consider trading on ByTrade, a platform that provides real-time access to these critical metrics, empowering you to navigate the crypto futures market confidently.

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