CA Health Data Ambassadors Explain Role of Project in Civic Tech

California Health Data
2 min readMar 2, 2016


Last week, our Sacramento Health Data Ambassadors, Joel Riphagen and Ash Roughani wrote about the new role the California Health Data Project has created in civic tech for Techwire Magazine.

Sacramento Ambassadors Joel Riphagen and Ash Roughani

Ash and Joel write:

“When the California Health Care Foundation launched the California Health Data Project last spring, it made a smart decision to create a new role in the civic innovation space. The foundation brought on California Health Data Ambassadors to connect the supply side of the open data equation, in this case the California Health and Human Services Agency’s (CHHSA’s) open data portal — to the demand side of the equation — or potential users of that portal.

“As two of these Health Data Ambassadors, we focus primarily on creating and nourishing feedback loops between the data owners and users, with the goal of making the state’s data as useful as possible. One of our primary methods of collecting user feedback is via regularly convening local health data stakeholders to identify needs and opportunities, and distilling those insights into actionable intelligence for the CHHSA open data team. Similar meetings are held by ambassadors in Fresno, Los Angeles, San Jose and San Diego, and they’ve proven invaluable in setting priorities for improvements to and extensions of the open data portal based on user needs.”

Read the full article at:



California Health Data

Building a Bridge to Local Communities with California’s Health Data