Ian Moore
1 min readMay 18, 2016


I see the absence of any attempt in this piece to describe what kind of system might await us on the other side of the death of capitalism, and I think that is very wise. I’m new to your writing, Joe, so it may be that you have talked about that elsewhere, but for myself I would avoid it. My prediction (or my hope) is that the replacement for capitalism is that thing which will grow and arise organically from the human collective even as capitalism dies. And it will grow out of the 99% learning to look after each other as capitalism collapses around us. I am releasing all thoughts of “righting wrongs” and bringing the 1% to account. For me, the real work lies with the 99% learning to love themselves and each other. Whatever comes out of that process, no matter how mysterious or prosaic it might be, must be born out of love. As capitalist resources dry up and consumerist food and drink becomes ever more poisonous, we will teach each other, and care for each other, until that point arrives where we have stopped using money. It’s not that we will take our money back from the 1% but rather that we will let them have it all.

