The Last of a Dying Breed

Ceo Caples
4 min readJul 17, 2017


The Black race in America is in trouble and becoming an extinct race, but honestly, I think this is exactly what America wants. So I’ve provided several areas where a lack of reproduction is affecting the Black race in its decline to keep pace with the other growing races in America. First, and this shouldn’t come as no surprise, America wants black men in jail, and the best covert way of doing this is to keep the black man unemployed, therefore a life of crime will become his #1 means of survival, ultimately landing him in prison for undermined amounts of time. Furthermore, the post-prison release in today’s society has made it perfectly legal to discriminate against criminals in nearly all the ways that it was once legal to discriminate against Blacks in America during the Jim Crow Era (1877–1965). Once you’re labeled a felon, the old forms of discrimination: -employment discrimination, housing discrimination, denial of the right to vote, denial of educational opportunity, denial of food stamps and other public benefits, and exclusion from jury service- are suddenly legal. With limited opportunities, many black males usually get caught up in a perpetual cycle of prison time. Secondly, America wants black men to be gay which is now socially engineered through social media and regular T.V. programs, which has made it socially acceptable to flaunt their sexual preference without shame. Thirdly, America wants black men dead. When you analyze police homicides without judicial repercussions, it has given the police an unwritten license to kill at will. In-addition, America wants black women gay, usually as a result of men making women feel unattractive, and unpopular, in which many women seek emotional attachments which usually comes in the form of another woman. Do you see the pattern here; but there’s more, America wants black women to abort their babies. Since eugenics (a set of beliefs and practices that aimed at improving the genetic quality of a group of individuals) failed due to Nazi affiliation and Margaret Sanger‘s (an American birth control activist, sex educator, writer, and nurse) use of birth control has proved useless for the long run. Over time, the next best thing has been to play on black’s intelligence, more so, their ignorance. With benefits drying up, black women have been encouraged to take advantage of abortions to alleviate future responsibilities. Ok….. this is where it really hits home, there are increasing facts that America wants blacks strung out on pills. Drugs such as Percocet, Vicodin, OxyContin, Opanas and loritabs have invaded the black communities and taking the once able bodied men and women by storm. This is just another form of drug usage to enter black communities, to tear it down brick by brick. This current epidemic is evident in overdose deaths and dysfunctional families, as a result causing the overall family structure to deteriorate.

But it’s more, America wants black men eating unhealthy foods, foods with estrogen by-products which decreases testosterone in turn decreases sperm count which equals to no reproduction. Moreover, America wants black women putting their career first until they’re in their 30’s which could decrease or limit reproduction. Once the black woman is stable due to her job, her independence allows her not to respect the black man who may be economically inferior to her. Furthermore, society has molded women to talk down to men and devalue his hopes and dreams due to her level of independence. Here, take a closer look, the black race is the only race where the women out earn and out educate their mates; you think that’s a coincidence. Furthermore, for the black man, America wants them so poor that he and his mate will decide not to have as many children as their parents of the past. If you can’t see the agenda to wipe blacks out, I don’t know what else to tell you. I see this much clearer from my set of lenses. In conclusion, there are more black males than females born in the United States per year, however by the time the two reach 18 years of age and you factor in homicides, suicides, and incarceration, black females outnumber black males 7 to 1. The black male is effectively dying at the rate of an endangered species and therefore the black race itself is becoming a race of a dying breed.

Thanks For Reading,


