Venezuelan Entrepreneurs find solutions to the problems of commercial establishments with Blockchain Technology

J.M. Marquez
6 min readApr 9, 2019


In the technological world, the projects related to the Blockchain, for the most part, are aimed for people who have computer knowledge, excluding a large number of people who, either due to lack of knowledge or lack of access to technology, have not been able to take effective advantage of all the advances that the Blockchain offers its users.

In view of this problem Koitech Studios, a company formed with Venezuelan talent, has created a coin called KOI to be used in an ecosystem built through numerous projects, and thus achieve a real massification of the Blockchain.

Making use of Ethereum technology, which provides transparency and security in transactions, offers a technological platform, but at the same time easy to use, which generates trust among its users and speed in operations, allowing the economic growth of all the factors involved, either by common user or commercial establishments.

How does it work?
The Koi Currency will be used through a P2P application with web interface and on mobile devices, allowing interaction between its users simply with their ID and a provisional password generated by them. These operations can be verified through a wallet consultation.

The versatility of these operations will achieve from commercial exchanges to receipt of remittances.

Each one of the projects generated in Koitech Studios are designed for the interaction with the ecosystem of different sectors inside and outside the Blockchain community.

The main idea behind the project
In an economy with hyperinflation, having access to technology is very difficult, most people having mobile devices eliminates the possibility of P2P exchanges or use of the Blockchain.

In developed countries or with good economic stability, where the limitations are not technological but due to ignorance, there is information regarding the blockhain but few are those who implement their technology, this happens because within the daily activities there is no adequate use nor of easy handling.

The main idea of the project focuses on the construction of a complete ecosystem, where the KOI currency would circulate, involving different economic and social sectors, where the use of the Blockchain could be found in daily activities, such as: pay in your favorite restaurant or a taxi back home, without the need for technological devices at hand.

Blockchain technology and the KOI token
The App developed in the beginning of the economic activity of the company, interacted with the national bank (Venezuelan) and with verifications of manual transactions; The limitations imposed by the banking institutions led to implement within the App the use of Blockchain technology, automating all manual processes and allowing audit in each of them.

The use of the Blockchain technology will allow an exchange of the KOI token, based on the ERC20 standard, in a fast, transparent and secure way.

The ease of the Ethereum network and interaction with smart contracts helps the growth of the cryptocurrency and in that way being able to offer an organic evolution of the projects where different user communities are included, especially those that do not have access to technology and do not have been able to enjoy all the benefits offered by the blockchain.

Characteristics of the Currency

  • Name: KOI.
  • Symbol: KOI.
  • Protocol: ERC20.
  • Network: Ethereum.
  • Max Quantity: 5,000,000,000 koi.
  • Private Sale: 10,000,000 koi.
  • ICO: 200,000,000 koi.
  • Rewards: 150,000,000 koi.
  • Conversion: 1 ETH = 476 koi.

Virtual POS / P2P Transactions
One of the most difficult areas the new blockchain user have found is the lack of options and simplicity when they make transactions, however, Koitech Studio found the solution to that issue, and even more, grants access to people with little knowledge and without technological devices in hand.

Exchange of commercial values is simplified, eliminating banking expenses and connections, allowing fast and secure transactions, using technological ways such as your mobile phone, through the web platform or simply using your ID.

Some cases of use of KOI Virtual POS
1.- A business that does not have access to a point of sale machine, may use KOI POS to receive payments for goods and services, pay their suppliers or exchange KOI for FIAT in an exchange house or in the marketplace within the app.

2.- An user who wants to pay for a good or service, but without access at that moment to his cell phone or the web. The system allows the payment with only the presentation of an ID, the trade will look for the user in the database, request the temporary key to the user, and after confirming the payment, the user will be able to obtain the product.

3.- An user who is in another country wants to send funds through the P2P application, asks the recipient for their email and in a few seconds the funds will already be available in their wallet.

4.- When a failure occurs in telecommunications and there is no access to the Internet service, an user can make transfers for a pre-configured amount using Bluetooth technology or scanning the QR code of the other device.

5.- One a natural disaster occurs, or of another nature, where telecommunications are harmed and also the user does not have access to a technological device, the establishment may receive payments from the user at the moment that he presents his ID and is in the base of data on your device.

KOI, a good decision of Economic Investment
Compared to other initiatives that reach the Initial Offer stage with their hands empty and waiting for economic resources to start the development of their projects, Koitech Studio already surpassed this initial phase, due to the fact that since 2017 the activities in the different projects have been sustained by the financial contribution of the founders, because of this, we can ensure that the motivation is not limited to satisfy a particular economic need, if not a collective good, to achieve the use of the Blockchain in any everyday environment.

Each one of the projects will increase the demand for use of KOI and having a controlled and planned offer will allow the growth and economic revaluation of the currency, in addition the transactions that are carried out within the ecosystem will generate a financial profit to the company that will allow it to continue driving new developments.

How to invest in the Token KOI
To invest in the KOI currency you must have an Ethereum portfolio with Ether balance in it, go to the website
and locate the "Buy KOI" button, this will take you to the coin purchase section .

Additional Information
If you want to inquire more about the Token KOI, or interact with the Koitech Studios team, you can visit the following links in the different social networks:

Facebook / Twitter / Instagram : @koitechstudios




