CESS Network
2 min readJul 3, 2022

06.2022 CESS & Substrate Monthly Technical Report​​

CESS Introduction

Cumulus Encrypted Storage System (CESS) is a decentralized cloud storage network for data storing and sharing, which is high-speed, secure, and scalable. CESS is an open-source public blockchain developed with Substrate, intended to be the underlying network infrastructure for decentralized storage needs. CESS network consists of four layers: blockchain, data storage, content distribution, and application layer. CESS’s R²S consensus mechanism coordinates the network resources and network load, guarantees data security and integrity through proprietary technologies with data ownership protection, technologies such as Proof of Data Reduplication and Recovery (PoDR²), Multi-format Data Rights Confirmation (MDRC), and decentralized proxy re-encryption. CESS aims to be the first decentralized storage network that supports large-scale commercial applications.

CESS is also compatible with EVM and WASM, and the underlying development framework Substrate is also friendly to cross-chain applications. Its technology stack can support most Web3 applications and the development needs of enterprise-level applications.

1. Important Technological Deliveries

  1. W3F Grant:

The development team’s second W3F grants proposal was passed (all milestones) this month. See details.

  1. Blockchain Network:

The development team released the blockchain network v0.4.1 (cess#v0.4.1), v0.4.2 (cess#v0.4.2) , v0.4.3 (cess#v0.4.3) and v0.4.4 (cess#v0.4.4). Details are as follows:

n v0.4.1 — Resolved the risk of intriguing panic (#49)

n v0.4.1 — Resolved prompted warning issue at compile time (#50)

n v0.4.1-Upgrade the method of calling transactions as signature method in the network (#51)

n v0.4.2 — Implemented random challenge generation off-chain (#56)

n v0.4.2 — Optimized runtime/lib.rs configuration in benchmarks (#54)

n v0.4.3 — Added runtime pallet indexing (#57)

n v0.4.3 — Replaced hasher (#58)

n v0.4.3 — Upgraded to use update_price method to increase modification time limit (#59)

n v0.4.4 — Upgraded to EVM compatible Frontier integration within the network (#64)

n v0.4.4 — Updated the blockchain network repository Readme.md (#65)

n v0.4.4 — Optimized file upload process and storage miner storage pool; added new test units: Filebank, Segmentbook, Sminer, Filemap (#66)

  1. Distributed Storage System

Released storage miner v0.4.1 (cess-bucket#v0.4.1) and v0.4.2 (cess-bucket#v0.4.2). Details are as follows:

n v0.4.1 — Upgraded submit proof structure for storage miners to a list (#57)

n v0.4.1 — Fixed bug where miner staking was incorrectly counted when miners registered (#56)

  1. CESS Gateway

Released the CESS-Gateway v0.1.1 pre-release version (cess-gateway#v0.1.1)

n v0.1.1-Upgraded the file upload process in the gateway, the file query interface, the file upload interface, and file deletion interface (#40)

Technical Solution

  • Adjusted the expiration time of random challenges, allowing submission of certificates in a batch, and allowing scheduling to verify certificates in a batch. Link
  • Discussed the function of adding lock-up time, the price cannot be modified during the lock-up time. Link.
  • Generated random challenges off-chain. Link.

Technical Documentation and References

Github link

CESS Network

CESS is a blockchain powered decentralized storage and content decentralized delivery network (CD²N) infrastructure for Web3.