DeWayne Reeves
3 min readApr 30, 2017

by DeWayne Reeves




The scourge of the Internet today is the digital version of the old School yard bully we grew up with. Back in the day, everyone knew the bully by name. Today’s Fake News Bully hides behind Screen Names and a twisted interpretation of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press.

In some arenas they don’t hide at all. We refer to them as mainstream media. With the most recent Roger Ailes revelations, we are on the brink of possibly losing the one conservative voice (besides our show), which is considered part of mainstream media. We still wear the “lunatic fringe” hat. So does Fox News if you listen to MSNBC.

Imagine a world where all the conservative voices are snuffed out. 500 channels and leaning so far left the may fall into the Pacific Ocean at any moment. Deepest pockets in the world from hedge funds to individuals, screaming, flaming (don’t want to offend anyone with the truth) liberals.

We are living in the future and game or not, it looks a little scary.

Had our Founding Fathers ever considered for even a moment that any lunatic or extortionist would some day be able to afford their own “printing press”, I assure you the document we as Americans cherish so dearly, would read quite a bit different today.

Only YOU can stop #FakeNews and this silly game of #EminiGate and #Liberal Madness. As Mr. Wonderful would say, “Stop the madness”.

“All it takes for evil to triumph is for a few good men to do nothing”
Edmund Burke

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead

(click Here, or go to iTunes to watch the video)

So Who Are You, (or We) for that matter?

Elon Musk believes there is an 80% chance this is all just computer simulation. Me, you, the real news, the fake news, everything. However, that’s a topic for another post.

Spot Fake News and Stomp it out.

Your action, or lack of, is the world your children and your grandchildren will inherit. You can stay on the couch, or you can make a difference.

If you can spot it, you can stop it!

Please direct any questions to or call us 949–42-EMINI.

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#PizzaGate #EminiGate

DeWayne Reeves

Trader, Talk Show Host, Believer! We are a Community of Believers Who Trade For A Living. Our main trading vehicle is the S&P 500 Emini Futures Contract.