Our Ways Of Thinking

2 min readDec 5, 2022


Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

My reading of Psychology points out to me that our reality, or how we interpret it, is shaped fundamentally by our psyches. How we think correlates to how we feel and how we live. Our psychological development is equivalent to how well we can navigate and make sense of our everyday lives.

This subtle insight is enlightening. It reveals that we take part in our suffering and mishaps. It makes us responsible for the things we think we have no control. Take negativity in the news for example. A person unaware how he can shape his feelings may be disturbed and swayed by news of violence or ideological uprising. He can get riled up and emotionally stirred which will then make him project this emotion unto others in negative manifestations. On the other hand, a person aware of his own psychology would have the discipline and responsible control over his thoughts and emotions. He will be able to evaluate his feelings without succumbing to them. He will be able to withstand array of negative emotions and manage them effectively to his advantage.

Learning about psychology gives the gift of emotional intelligence. Psychology not only gives us insight into the human nature but also helps us in making our way through the jungle that are our emotions. A territory that is directly correlated to how we think.

Our psyches and emotions are two of the fundamental domains that influences our lives. It would pay multiple dividends if we invest our time and efforts to their understanding. As much as they’re undervalued today, as I did in the past, we can’t deny their importance. A healthy psychology will makes us better and effective individuals. A person with emotional intelligence will be able to relate well to other people, reducing conflicts and help in solving a lot of social problems. At full, it’s study will makes us understand and reveal aspects of ourselves that are previously unknown and reveal potentials of what we can be. It will make us realize that we literally have our fate at the palm of our hands-or rather, inwards within the confines of our minds.




Writer/reader on art, philosophy, literature, psychology, and self-help.