Top 10 Best Counting Crows Songs

CJ Scholes
7 min readMar 20, 2022

Counting Crows are a band that always seems to have the perfect song for just about any occasion.

Sadness, sexiness, breakups, hookups, falling in love, falling out of love, joy, fear, confidence, vulnerability…you name it, whatever I’m going through, thinking, or feeling, ‘Crows singer Adam Duritz has a song about it.

I love those songs.

All of them.

Truth be told, rather than writing about the top five best Counting Crows songs here, I could easily sit here and wax enthusiastically about each and every song.

After all, each one does offer something, whether that’s a particularly poignant lyric, or simply a feeling, some sort of intangible, undefinable option, something that can’t be expressed but only felt.

Still, I don’t really have time to write about each song, so here’s a few of my favorite picks.

Top 10 Best Counting Crows Songs

10: Colorblind (From This Desert Life)



CJ Scholes

Writer. Musician. Wrestling nerd | A creative journal documenting my influences, ideas, creative process and more.