Temporal Heartstrings : The Journey Begins

CJ writes
6 min readJun 3, 2024


It was a pleasant morning. The mom, as usual, woke up early and began her household chores. She called out to her son (Riven) to wake up, reminding him that he had to visit his grandfather’s house

The old home had been abandoned since his grandfather, a physicist, passed away. Mom wanted to sell the property. It was in the countryside, and they had no plans to use it in the future. They didn’t have any relatives or friends in that area either

Riven, a young software engineer by profession, was deeply rooted in two passions since childhood, physics and astronomy, a love inherited from his father and grandfather. Despite excelling in the realm of technology, his heart yearned for the mysteries of the cosmos

Yet, beyond his intellectual pursuits, Riven was defined by his gentle demeanor and selfless nature. Polite and humble, he embodied empathy, always ready to extend a helping hand to those in need. For Riven, the measure of a person lay not in their achievements, but in their capacity for kindness and compassion

As Riven wakes up, he reaches for his morning cup of tea, savoring its comforting warmth. Amidst the gentle steam rising from his mug, he listens to his mom’s voice, absorbing her words as she goes about her morning routine

With each sip, he contemplates the day ahead, pondering the tasks and possibilities that await him

Mom : Riven, once you reach Grandpa’s home, make sure to get some help from our neighbor Jason. The place might be dusty from being unvisited for so long. I’ve already informed him, so you can ask him when you get there

Riven : Sure, Mom. I’ll talk to him as soon as I arrive. Also, I need to meet up with a friend to pick up something now

Mom : Alright, just make it quick so you can get to Grandpa’s house earlier

Riven : Absolutely, Mom. I’ll be back soon

Riven arrived at his friend Richard’s house

Riven : Hey Rich, as I mentioned earlier, I’m leaving for my grandpa’s place for about a week to sort out some things with the house. If you’re up for it, you can come along

Richard : Hey Riv, that sounds like a plan! I’d love to join you, but I’m stuck babysitting my sister and managing the house since my parents are on vacation. Plus, no leave from the office

Riven : No worries, dude. We’ll catch up once I’m back

Richard : Alright, take care, man

Riven : Hey, you forgot to return something to me

Richard : Oh, which thing? You’ve given me so much stuff

Riven : Yeah, I’ve shared a lot with you, but I lent you my kaleidoscope

Richard : Oops, my bad. Here it is. But why are you so attached to this simple thing? Is it like your guardian angel or something?

Riven : Haha, definitely not. It’s hard to explain, but it just feels… special. It’s like it holds some kind of energy within it, you know? It’s fascinating how it creates these mesmerizing patterns with light, almost like a glimpse into the complexities of the universe. Kind of like how the theories of relativity and concepts like wormholes challenge our understanding of space, time, and everything in between, intertwining with the intricate dance of quantum physics

Richard : Dude, enough with the physics lecture! You know I’ve always been weak in that

Riven : Haha, alright, no more physics lectures, I promise. But hey, are you going to ask me the same question next time we meet?

Richard : Definitely not

Riven : And don’t forget to meet Malina. she’s been waiting for you at the start of the road

Richard’s Sister : Hey Rich! Who’s that? You didn’t even tell me about her

Richard : Rivvv, come on, man!

Riven : Haha… Alright, Rich, it’s getting late. I’ll catch you next week. Take care

Richard : Bye, dude. You too

Riven is back home and preparing for the trip

Riven loaded his bags into the car and looked at his mom, saying, “ Mom, take care of yourself and don’t forget to take your tablets properly. I’ll be back as soon as possible. Miss you, Mom ”

Mom smiled and said, “ Yes, son, sure. Don’t forget to eat properly and take care of your health as well. And remember to call me every day “

Riven : Sure, Mom. Bye, take care. Love you

Mom : Love you too !

With a final wave, Riven got into the car and started his journey. As he drove away, he felt a mix of excitement and anticipation about the week ahead

As Riven’s car disappeared down the road, his mom stood at the doorstep, a hint of sadness clouding her expression. Watching her son drive away always tugged at her heartstrings, even though she knew he would return soon. She sighed softly, feeling the emptiness of the house settling in once again

During travel time …

As Riven drove, he couldn’t help but admire the scenery passing by outside his car window. The lush greenery of the countryside, the quaint little villages nestled among the hills, and the open road stretching out before him all contributed to a sense of wonder and adventure

With each mile he traveled, he felt a newfound appreciation for the beauty of the world around him. It was a wonderful feeling, and Riven cherished every moment of his journey

Meanwhile, his inner thoughts echo …

Luckily, I’ve been here before it all turned into dry, corporate lands because of those greedy politicians. When will they grasp the importance of preserving our nature instead of paving over it with factories ?

Once they’ve turned this into a barren wasteland, they’ll try to sell every grain of rice like it’s the next Bitcoin, but by then, the farmers will be long gone, unable to cultivate and nourish the land

After a few hours on the road, Riven’s stomach started rumbling louder than his engine! He figured it was time to refuel himself with some tasty treats. Plus, he realized he needed to grab some grub for the night

So, off he went, on the lookout for a roadside joint where he could chow down and maybe even snag a comfy spot to crash for the night

Look what we’ve stumbled upon! A beacon of hope in the form of a hotel! Time to treat ourselves to some legendary early evening snacks!

Save the date! ‘Temporal Heartstrings : The Mystery Unfolds” will be hitting the shelves on June 10th, 2024. Get ready to join Riven on his journey as the plot thickens !



CJ writes

Tech explorer passionate about #DevOps, ☁️ #Cloud, 🤖 #AI. Join me as we decode tech trends and discuss global incidents! 🌐