CK Green

CK Green

Intriguing Sci-fi | My Flash Fiction Favs

19 stories

Spaceship hovering over a desert with military people on the ground.
CK Green

CK Green

Wonderous Adventures | My Flash Fiction Favs

21 stories

stream bed with trees
Image of several small boats on water.
The open door of a small café, a table and two chairs by the right of the entrance. There are chalkboard signs dotted around the doors, proclaiming ‘happy hour’ and describing menu items. It is softly lit and dim inside, a cozy atmosphere built of stained pine. Very cozy.
CK Green

CK Green

Magical Fantasy | My Flash Fiction Favs

62 stories

open book with magical fruits coming out of picturesque kingdom
The princess trapped in her stone tower above the very large moat.
CK Green

CK Green

Funny Shorts | My Flash Fiction Favs

14 stories

open book with magical fruits coming out of picturesque kingdom
seven fluffy black and white puppies on a step
CK Green

CK Green

Literary Fiction | My Flash Fiction Favs

6 stories

Campsite with a fire.
a small box with a single red button
CK Green

CK Green

How to Write Fiction | Tips & Advice

69 stories

A gorgeous Asian woman with long black hair in the snow.
A typewriter with a page that reads “Write Something” sticking out.
CK Green

CK Green

Longer Stories and Web Novels

8 stories

CK Green

CK Green

Spooky Supernatural |My Flash Fiction Favs

26 stories

The edge of a wooden cabin, trees beyond
CK Green

CK Green

Motivation and Productivity | Tips & Advice

32 stories

CK Green

CK Green

Powerful Superheroes | My Flash Fiction Favs

4 stories

Person looking into a fantastical orb or portal to another world.
AI image generated on Midjourney when promoted: He emerged from her head one day. The gorgeous demon. The black woman thought it was a bad dream. But he was real and devastating. Chiseled muscles on this black god. Trinidad Carnival inspired.
CK Green

CK Green

How to Use AI | Tips and Advice

14 stories

Fibonacci spirals
CK Green

CK Green

NaNoWriMo | Tips & Advice

18 stories

CK Green

CK Green

Foodie Shorts

2 stories

A laptop sits on a dark wooden counter with a bar of chocolate and a couple of coffee drinks near it. The setting looks like a café of some kind.
CK Green

CK Green

Beyond the Dome: A Sci-Fi Adventure Story

5 stories

Image of a computer and black cup of coffee. Overlaid with the text ‘My NaNoWriMo Journey: Week One’.
Cyberpunk style colourful image of an explorer wearing a space suit looking out over a mountain range. Image overlaid with the text “CK Green. Beyond the Dome: A Sci-Fi Adventure.”
CK Green

CK Green

10 Word Stories

8 stories

Writing prompt and challenge to create a story in exactly 10 words.
CK Green

CK Green

Inspiring History

5 stories

CK Green

CK Green

Adventures in Farishire: Magical Flash Fiction Stories

5 stories

CK Green

CK Green

WorldBuilding | Tips and Advice

3 stories

CK Green

CK Green

Using Medium | Tips and Advice

4 stories