Non-Fiction | Progress Update | NaNoWriMo

My NaNoWriMo Journey 2023: Getting Started (and Re-started)

Progress Update

CK Green
4 min readOct 7, 2023


Image of a computer and black cup of coffee. Overlaid with the text ‘My NaNoWriMo Journey: Prep 101’.

This November, I’m embarking on a project to develop my Flash Fiction, ‘Journey Across an Ocean of Plastic’ into a novel for NaNoWriMo.

NaNoWriMo is a challenge to write a 50,000 novel in November. There is also a free prep course during the 6 weeks before. I’m doing it as both a personal challenge and to have fun learning how to write a novel.

I enjoy writing, but it isn’t something that I prioritise. I have dabbled in some flash fiction here on Medium, putting some of my half started ideas into flash fiction. Then life took over, and honestly, I forgot about Medium for a while.

In August, Medium staff wrote an article, Reading fiction makes us better people. In the comments, the incredible E Ardincaple recommended a story of mine (Thank you!), ‘Journey Across an Ocean of Plastic’.

The comment prompted me to re-read the story. Re-reading it made me realise how…



CK Green

Reader (slowly) learning to write fiction, one story at a time.