CLOUT Team Update

4 min readDec 19, 2017


Together, Everyone Achieves More

An organization is only as good as its team members. The success of an organization is a collective effort by every one of its team members. As Steve Jobs puts it succinctly, “Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.”

When CLOUT was being envisaged as a one-stop destination for all things crypto, the founders always believed that to bring the dream of CLOUT into reality they would need the best in the business. They would need talent that has a demonstrated track record and proven expertise and experience to imbibe the vision of what CLOUT endeavored to be and chart a strategy to achieve this objective.

Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success. Gradually, talented individuals did start coming together. However, it is easy to find good players but making them play as a team is a different ballgame altogether. As is the case with any organization, differences of opinion led to a few team members drifting away. However, the vision of CLOUT never faded and after all the initial hiccups, CLOUT has made a fresh start, a new beginning.

To helm operations, Benjamin Kraus joined Team CLOUT. Ben is the founder, CEO, and Chairman of the Board to Kraus Industries. He has been an advisor and consultant to UNAIDS, Geneva on digital currencies and blockchain technology. His interest in Bitcoins started when he was studying finance at Rutgers Business School. It was during that time that he started mining Bitcoins and in 2013 raised $260,000. He established Kraus Industries which became Asia’s first Bitcoin mining corporation. In the same year, Kraus Industries became the 13th largest Bitcoin miner in the world.

In 2014, he was accepted by the United Grand Lodge of England and became a Freemason at the young age of 25. Among a host of committees and councils that he heads or is a member of is the United Nations ESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) Business Advisory Council of which he is a member.

When asked why he joined CLOUT, Ben said, “I joined CLOUT to decentralize and revolutionize media. CLOUT can do to media what Bitcoin did to money.” Ben was very forthcoming in his assessment of the role CLOUT can play in the crypto space. “More valuable than money is information, for information is power. By transforming the way we acquire and process information, CLOUT will transform power as we know it,” says Ben. With Ben Kraus as COO, CLOUT’s vision has got a new lease of life. With Ben’s business acumen and his uncanny ability to spot trends in the crypto space, CLOUT is sure to scale new heights.

Another illustrious individual to join Team CLOUT as an Advisor is Jay Kim. Jay is an ICO investor and advisor. Jay holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master’s in Computer Science and has more than 20 years of IT experience in blockchain/crypto, mobile/web and telecom and has worked with eminent companies like Motorola, Samsung and Ericsson. A crypto evangelist, he is an expert in crypto and bitcoin security. He is an advisor to many ICOs and operates several Korean ICO community sites of which ICOSchedule is the most comprehensive ICO information community for Korean market.

Gavin Nation joins CLOUT Network as Social Media Manager. Gav is a professional civil engineer with experience crossing both public and private sectors. He is a strategist and believes in forming methodologies from first principles. Forming connections across the cryptocurrency network is at Gavin’s core. Being an enthusiast of the blockchain-technology realm, he sees exponential growth and room allowing an entrance for business enterprise.

When asked why he joined Clout, Gav said that he wanted “to aid and make a positive impact for quality news and education surrounding cryptocurrency.” He further stated that it is undeniable that CLOUT as an all-in-one crypto media hub is what the community deserves. “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor,” concluded Gav as he walked towards his office evidently to start planning for a kickass marketing campaign for the CLOUT Network.

CLOUT is focused on bringing about a media revolution in the crypto space. During a meeting with the management, the new team members reiterated their commitment towards bringing the vision of CLOUT into fruition. With their leadership in the crypto and blockchain space and their expertise and experience in successfully launching and running businesses, these luminaries were perfectly suited to provide CLOUT the launch pad it required to take off into an exciting space.

Team CLOUT is a passionate group of go-getters who are here to make a difference. They believe in doing things with passion or not at all. They aren’t here to be mediocre. With a single-minded determination, they are committed to achieving their objectives and seeing the vision of CLOUT becoming a reality.

CLOUT continues to attract investors; meticulous people who plan strategically to see their investments grow within a progressive ecosystem. Team CLOUT knows the value of trust in this seemingly capricious space. It is built on a solid idea, one that has been appreciated by a lot of industry leaders. It continues to be run by people who have worked in the eye of the crypto and blockchain storm. These are individuals who have deep insight of this space and bring to the table massive amounts of expertise and experience. CLOUT is set to delight investors as well as future users of a platform which aims to become the last word in everything crypto.

