Be a part of CLT250!

City of Charlotte
3 min readJun 28, 2018


Volunteers needed for Kick-off on July 3

Did you know that the City of Charlotte turns 250 this year? On July 3, CLT250 officially kicks off at Memorial Stadium at the Star Spangled Spectacular. Festivities include fireworks, food and entertainment. While this is the first event in a year-long celebration, CLT250 is much more than a celebration; it’s about building our community together and making an impact on the next 250 years. That’s where we need your help. The city needs volunteers to represent CLT250 and share community building and volunteer activities with attendees.

CLT250- Past, Present and Future

To mark the 250th anniversary of Charlotte’s founding our community is invited to engage in a year of festivities filled with events large and small. All Charlotteans, new and long-time residents, as well as friends of our city are invited to share and commemorate our storied past. Together we will celebrate our city’s ingenuity, determination, collaboration, compassion and resiliency; and imagine our city’s future abundant with hope, opportunity and justice for all.

Think about it. We have an opportunity to shape Charlotte’s future together in a way that will have a lasting impact. This work isn’t much different than what the city does on a normal basis, and city employees are already thinking of ways to leave a legacy in the work we’re already doing.

Committing to the Future

Within the past couple of months, a group of employees gathered to share how their departments could start incorporating CLT250 into city projects. This group had representatives from all departments and together they came up with some great ideas.

City Manager Marcus D. Jones engages in employee brainstorming session for CLT250.

Louise Bhavnani was a part of this group. She says, “It has been really great to collaborate with other city department representatives and brainstorm how we can celebrate such a momentous occasion by performing good works with our colleagues throughout the city we love.”

Here are some of their ideas:

  • Co-branded events with Open Streets 704, BIKE! Charlotte 2019, Watch for Me campaigns and Healthy Communities
  • 250,000 pledges for traffic safety
  • Connecting 250 homeless/underserved with resources
  • 250 volunteer hours in the community
  • Community art on water towers, plant fences and steps

“This anniversary is an opportunity for all city employees no matter their role to engage with the community through acts of service, celebrate our shared history, and imagine what the next 250 years will be. ” — Louise Bhavnani, Charlotte Water

Additionally, the City of Charlotte is also making the following commitments:

  • 250 mentors/agency reps trained through Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance
  • 250 miles of city streets cleaned by Adopt a Street sponsors
  • 250 neighborhoods participating in city-sponsored training opportunities
  • 250 neighborhood discussions

This is just a taste of the projects that will leave a legacy. It goes beyond the city. Everyone in the community is encouraged to make their own commitment in honor of CLT250. If you have a commitment you’d like to share, please contact Sarah Hazel with the City Manager’s Office.

How you can help

Are you hooked on CLT250 now and want to make an impact? Sign up to volunteer on July 3 before the fireworks begin. You’ll be sharing information about how attendees can get involved in important city-led community building and volunteer opportunities. Shifts are only two hours. Choose between 5:30–7:30 p.m. or 7:30–9:30 p.m. As an added bonus, volunteers will receive a t-shirt! Sign up at:

Save the date!

There are many more community events planned for CLT250. Save the date for the following:

Aug. 7, 2018, National Night Out

Nov. 22, 2018, Thanksgiving Day Parade

Dec. 3, 2018, Charlotte’s Anniversary

May 5–12, 2019, Charlotte Shout: a festival of music, art, food and innovation

Visit for more information!

