How to Make the Next WordPress

The Startup
Published in
9 min readJan 6, 2020


As nearly everyone in the web development world is aware, WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world. Responsible for powering 35% of the web and growing, the software is used by everyone from small businesses to international conglomerates, and for everything from blogs to web apps. It’s hugely popular, and outnumbers pretty much every alternative in existence in terms of usage.

But where there’s a success story, there’s a market. And with WordPress having such a poor reputation with developers and engineers, the time seems almost perfect for an alternative to enter the fold.

So in this article, we’ll look at what it would take to compete, and what an alternative would need to do to dethrone the current king of the CMS market.

Make your software easy to setup

Starting with something most developers tend to completely ignore: the install process.

Because as annoying as it may be, the amount of work and knowledge required to install a script has a huge effect on how many people use it.

And this is especially true when you realise that most people in this situation are very non technical. Like, doesn’t know HTML or what a command line is level non technical.

So any script meant to appeal to then will need to take this into account. Docker? SSH? Nope. The solution will need to be a matter of uploading files and running a script, if that.



The Startup

Gamer, writer and journalist working on Gaming Reinvented.