I am still amazed by FunctionX

Callum Roxburgh
3 min readOct 13, 2019


A little over a year ago I saw something that completely amazed me. I was attending the X Blockchain conference in Bali hosted by PundiX. On the last day of the conference I witnessed the first phone call ever made over the blockchain. It was a truly amazing thing to witness. This thing that most people only thought of as a way to transfer money in a decentralised way had been shown to be capable of much larger possibilities. Like everyone there that day I wished I could have one of these phones, I still do. But what was even more amazing than the phone was the ecosystem that had been created to allow this phone call to take place and the thousands of other possibilities that it unlocked.

You can think of the blockchain revolution as a series of ideas that built themselves one on top of the other. First we had Bitcoin that proved that you could use a blockchain to allow trustless transactions. Next we had Ethereum which created an environment where you could build decentralised assets easily like Dapps. The next evolution of blockchain technology will be the disruption of entrenched technologies, such as the internet.

The internet was perhaps the greatest technological revolution that mankind has ever experienced. It unlocked the ability to communicate in rich formats across great distances and made knowledge much more accessible for everyone. But this has come at a price. It has created a few entrenched players that operate as near monopolies, stifling competition and abusing users privacy. We live in a world where Facebook, Apple, Google and Amazon not only dominate their own industries, but have their fingers in many others.

Function X vision is of a universal decentralized internet which is powered by blockchain technology and smart devices. To achieve this Function X has created a fully autonomous and decentralized network that is not dependent on any individual, organization or structure.

FunctionX consists of 5 Core Components.

Function X Operating System — Is a modified Android Operating System that has been optimized to allow Smart Devices and the Internet of Things to take advantage of the potential of a blockchain based decentralised approach by allowing each device to function as a node with its own address and private key.

Function X Distributed Ledger — The Function X Blockchain that underpins all the other elements. This includes maintaining a transaction ledger of all transactions with the FX coin that is the currency of the Function X ecosystem.

Function X IPFS — The Function X version of the Interplanetary Files System that allows files sharing across the Blockchain that can be encrypted for additional security.

FXTP Protocol — Is the Function X transmission protocol. It is like HTTP but with all the advantages of decentralisation, encryption and the Blockchain to produce a more secure method of communications. It operates as an end to end transmission protocol based on consensus rather than the client server model of HTTP.

Function X Decentralized Docker — Is an open platform for developers to build, ship and run distributed applications in containers. Developers can store, deploy and run their codes from different locations and know that the codes have been secured through decentralisation.

If you want to be part of this revolution you can wait and try and grab one of these new Blok On Blok (BOB) phones that are expected to be released sometime in 2020 or you can get an early start by buying the FunctionX Coin which is already available on KuCoin. You can also join KuCoinPlay and earn some FunctionX Coins by submitting some social media tasks.


Callum Roxburgh is a entrepreneur that writes about, invests in and builds companies in the FinTech and Blockchain space.

Blog: https://myfin.tk

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CMRoxburgh

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/callumroxburgh/

Bitcointalk ID https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1152897



Callum Roxburgh

I am an Entrepreneur based in Jakarta Indonesia. I write about, invest in and advise startups.