You’ve Just Discovered Your Husband Has Been Cheating On You, Part 3.

How to survive #infidelity.

Caroline Madden, PhD
9 min readFeb 15, 2019
Meme by Patricia Vera.

Intrusive Thoughts — The Thoughts That Plague You

I’ve seen a lot of women in my office who have gone through your exact experience. The following are common thoughts and emotions wives have after discovering their husbands have betrayed them. My hope in sharing this is that you will realize that you are not alone; you are not unusual for feeling or thinking the things you do. Additionally, I will give you clinical insight into why you have these thoughts.

“I Hate Him and Love Him at the Same Time. How Is This Possible?”

You will feel a zillion emotions as you process this. You will probably feel most of the following:

• You hate him and wish he’d die (rage, desire for revenge).

• You love him and desperately want to save your marriage (awareness that you love him and want this to work).

• You can’t believe the person you love most has betrayed you like this (intense hurt).

• You want to shut him off completely and delete him from your life (desire to numb out and ignore the pain).



Caroline Madden, PhD

Author & Therapist dedicated to Helping Marriages Survive & Thrive After #Infidelity.