5 Tips For Creating Effective B2B Data Sheets

Colin McGrew
2 min readApr 18, 2016


One of the biggest staples in B2B content / sales enablement is the data sheet. Just as in our sales pitches, it’s important that it not be solely focused on features and functions. We need to ensure all of our resources are aligned with a buyer persona and focused on our clients challenges.

Start with the end in mind

Provide a brief overview of the solution and the problem we are trying to solve. It should contain enough information to entice the reader to either want to evaluate our solution or at least get more detailed information. Keep it to 2–3 sentences and set the stage for the rest of the document.

What are the top challenges?

Focusing on the pain points will provide valuable context for the features of the solution that will be outlined. This will help quickly capture our clients attention and show them we have a good understanding of their priorities and why our solution is relevant to them.

Highlight the key benefits

What are the key benefits of the solution based on the target audience. Three bullet points are ideal; for a more technical audience, list the three key features and their benefits. Leave the more detailed information and specifics for the second page.

Features / functions

Now that we’ve provided an overview of what the solution is, challenges, benefits and how the solution fits in its environment, we need to detail out how the solution accomplishes it. Just include the most relevant features to the audience, save the more in depth details for deep dive technical documents.


Similar to the brief overview we started out with, write a quick summary of all the elements of the solution. The end of the data sheet should be used to bring all the different elements together. Is there any industry wide data you can incorporate? We should also utilize client stories to provide a strong finish.

I hope the tips we’ve covered so far have been helpful. How the information is presented is just as important as what the data sheet contains. For more tips and design fundamentals, check out our free B2B Data Sheet Template.





Colin McGrew

Business guy & philosopher. Try to leave the world a little better than you found it. http://linkd.in/YlRMmZ