Oh, You should talk to David

The CNCT App
2 min readSep 2, 2022

Ever wonder what it’s like to create an app? Oh, you should talk to David Tennent.

Meet the man behind the app, CNCT’s founder David Tennent. A Pittsburgh native and Pitt film major who is shaking up networking on Capitol Hill.

So who is David? He’d describe himself as a nature lover and a music enthusiast who’s always had big ideas.
David recalls, “Three years ago, I quit my job in Pittsburgh and moved to DC for an internship. I saw how important networking was and loved getting coffees and learning more about how successful people made it on the Hill.” Throughout his time as a staffer on the Hill, he just couldn’t shake the desire to make networking easier.

While many are struck by inspiration or have great ideas, very few make those ideas a reality. So how does a film major become a tech founder? One Google search at a time. “For the past year and a half it’s been figuring out what I need to do, Googling it, then learning how to do it,” says David. Business planning, designing, marketing, financial modeling — there was a lot more that went into creating CNCT than just having a great idea.

The app is a tool to help usher in his larger vision of creating a way for people to build more meaningful connections. His career on the Hill and his savviness for ‘figuring things out’ gave him a vision of someday creating a way for people to hash out their differences without being afraid of disagreement. Giving people a space to have “candid and open conversations about topics that matter” is something that drives him, especially in today’s political climate.

While only 26 years old, David can say he’s his own boss and has created something out of nothing. Have a great idea for an app or a business? David will tell you to go for it: “Do it! Plan out what you’re doing, define your vision, find validation in the problem you’re solving, and once you do, bet on yourself and never look back.”

Check out our Instagram for more fun facts about David and connect with him in the app. Oh, and don’t forget to wish him a happy birthday!



The CNCT App

CNCT is a networking app for political staffers dedicated to bringing people together and renewing bipartisanship in Washington, DC.