Don’t be like Mark Z.

2 min readApr 5, 2016


We started as a side project to scratch our own itch … to teach our kids the native language alphabet in a passive way. More on that some other time.

We launched and sent out the word to a few friends to like our Facebook Page who in turn shared it with their friends. Soon we had about 250 ‘Organic Likes’.

The Facebook ‘Likes’ were enticing. We decided to try Facebook Ads … primarily because we could pinpoint our audience (people who lived in USA who spoke Indian languages).

We are running only one ad. Our ad parameters were specifically targeted towards Indians living in the USA, Canada who could speak Telugu, Tamil, Hindi. All the parameters we played around with had an ‘Indian Flavor’. Here’s a screenshot …

And here’s the result …

Darkened portions are friends we know.

We randomly browsed through the profiles many people who ‘Liked’ COOLPHABETS. None of them match the target profile we set for our ads by any degree. At the time of writing this blog COOLPHABETS had 340 Likes. Around 275 of these were organic; friends or friends-of-friends whom we personally reached out to. The rest were all from the ad.

How the heck did these people end up liking our page? We have a theory.

We believe these are unassuming people who will ‘Like’ anything that is sent their way. We believe Mark keeps track of these category of people and deliberately feeds them all kinds of random pages to ‘Like’. Some business owners are okay with that; maybe to brag, “My Likes are bigger than your Likes”. We’re not.

We’ve come to believe Mark is not exactly the guy you can trust with your pizza.

Don’t be like Mark Z.




We help kids learn their native alphabets through beautifully designed everyday household items. #coolphabets