Using OpenJPEG from Dart with ffi to decode jp2 images

Yoshihiro Tanaka
2 min readJan 6, 2024


I’m working on extracting images from PDF, and as part of its response, I investigated how to decode JPEG 2000 compressed image data on Dart. Today, I’d like to introduce my notes.

I referred to OpenJPEG examples and applications for implementation.

Also, my implementation is here.

Steps 1 and 2 are common steps used in dart:ffi.

1. Generate bindings

I used to ffigen to generate bindings, but you don’t have to use it.

name: OpenJpegBindings
description: Bindings for `openjpeg.h`.
output: 'lib/openjpeg_generated_bindings.dart'
- 'openjpeg.h'
- '-Wno-nullability-completeness'
preamble: |
// ignore_for_file: type=lint, unused_element, unused_field
$ dart run ffigen --config ffigen.yaml

2. Load the library

const _lib = 'libopenjp2.2.5.0';
final _dylib = () {
if (Platform.isMacOS || Platform.isIOS) {
if (Platform.isAndroid || Platform.isLinux) {
if (Platform.isWindows) {
throw UnsupportedError('Unknown platform: ${Platform.operatingSystem}');

final _bindings = OpenJpegBindings(_dylib);

Future<void> decode(String fileName) async {

3. Set up the decoder

final parameters = calloc<opj_dparameters_t>();
final codec = bindings.opj_create_decompress(CODEC_FORMAT.OPJ_CODEC_JP2);
if (bindings.opj_setup_decoder(codec, parameters) <= 0) {
throw ArgumentError('Failed to set up the decoder.');

The format is hardcoded here to focus on decoding (OPJ_CODEC_JP2). The defined magic number can be checked on RFC3745. For example,

$ hexdump -C test.jp2 | head -n 1
00000000 00 00 00 0c 6a 50 20 20 0d 0a 87 0a 00 00 00 14 |....jP ........|

The OpenJPEG application has logic implemented to detect the format by the image header, which may be helpful.

4. Decode the image

Note that it doesn’t contain any code to destroy resources.

final file = fileName.toNativeUtf8();
final stream =
_bindings.opj_stream_create_default_file_stream(file.cast(), 1);
final imagePtrPtr = ffi.Pointer<ffi.Pointer<opj_image_t>>.fromAddress(
if (bindings.opj_read_header(stream, codec, imagePtrPtr) <= 0) {
throw ArgumentError('Failed to read the header.');
final imagePtr = imagePtrPtr.value;
if (bindings.opj_decode(codec, stream, imagePtr) <= 0) {
throw ArgumentError('Failed to decode.');
if (bindings.opj_end_decompress(codec, stream) <= 0) {
throw ArgumentError('Failed to finalize.');

5. Extract color information

You can extract colors from the image after being decoded 💁

final image = imagePtr.ref;
final channels = image.numcomps;
final width = image.comps[0].w;
final height = image.comps[0].h;
for (var h = 0; h < height; h++) {
final offset = h * width;
for (var w = 0; w < width; w++) {
final i = offset + w;
switch (channels) {
case 1:
// Gray
// image.comps[0].data[i];
case 3:
// RGB
// r: image.comps[0].data[i]
// g: image.comps[1].data[i]
// b: image.comps[2].data[i]
case 4:
// r: image.comps[0].data[i]
// g: image.comps[1].data[i]
// b: image.comps[2].data[i]
// a: image.comps[3].data[i]
throw ArgumentError();

Appendix. Enable logging

If you want to see OpenJPEG logs, set up handlers.

void onMessage(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Char> message, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void> data) {

Future<Image> decode(String fileName) async {

final callback =
_bindings.opj_set_warning_handler(codec, callback, ffi.nullptr);
_bindings.opj_set_error_handler(codec, callback, ffi.nullptr);
_bindings.opj_set_info_handler(codec, callback, ffi.nullptr);



