Comprehensive overview of Stablecoins — Part 5


CP Processor TEAM
1 min readJun 14, 2018


Right now, coins such as Tether pose great risks to the entire ecosystem, potentially posing as a bubble (if Tether is unable to back up the ~2.2 Billion tokens in circulation, insolvency has far ranging consequences towards the crypto economy).

The stablecoin landscape is slowly growing, and has experienced a lot of development in 2017. We should see several important things crop up in 2018, with the launch of non collateralized stablecoins, which can potentially direct the ecosystem in a new direction, depending on their effectiveness.

Overall, stablecoins are an extremely interesting and upcoming thing that might as well dictate the trend for the rest of 2018.

Dear readers, this is the fifth and final part of the Overview of Stablecoins! Hope you enjoyed reading it. Feel free to comment if there is anything we forgot to mention about Stablecoins :)



CP Processor TEAM

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