CP Processor TEAM
1 min readApr 6, 2018


The price index of a cryptocurrency is calculated based on the Relevant Transactions on all Representative Exchanges. Calculation steps for the iBTC, for example, on any given Calculation Day are as follows:

  1. All Relevant Transactions are added to a raw database, recording the trade price and size for each transaction.
  2. The data is partitioned into 6 equally-sized time intervals of 10 seconds each.
  3. For each partition separately, the volume-weighted median trade price is calculated from the trade prices and sizes of all Relevant Transactions, i.e. across all Representative Exchanges.
  4. A volume-weighted median differs from a standard median in that a weighting factor, in this case trade size, is factored into the calculation.
  5. The iBTC is then given by the equally-weighted average of the volume-weighted medians of all partitions.



CP Processor TEAM

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