CratD2C - Various Videos, Presentations, Speeches, Articles & Ama’s Associated With The Project

CratD2C Content
3 min readFeb 11, 2024



  • Note that some of the information in the following videos or articles may not be correct as there have been changes to the current tokenomics, for up to date information please visit the CratD2C website at


  • Not sure what CratD2C is all about?, take a look through this article at numerous videos or articles, you may just be very surprised at what you discover.
  • Note, I would have attached a link to many more AMA’s, however this would have involved providing a link to a particular telegram group and scrolling through the chat.
  • Also note that some links would not open with a preview image which is why I have coped and pasted a photo of the topic, followed by the relevant website link.
  • I could have added many more links to videos, however I wanted to avoid specific videos made by CratD2C along with keeping this article reasonably short and not too long — quality over quantity.

Scroll through several Medium articles from CratD2C over the past few years, there will no doubt be more up to date articles in the near future as CratD2C move from their PRE-ICO stage to their ICO stage when marketing will take centre stage:

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