A Bad Day Not A Bad Life

courtney sembler
2 min readApr 16, 2019


“Staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time. It means that even on the hard days you know that there are better ones coming.”

Sometimes the day is going to win. You won’t be able to stand back up immediately.

You will cry.

You will listen to a sad song.

You will succumb to the real feelings that you have.

And that’s 100% ok. Not every day will be perfect. You will realize you are behind or late on something. You will feel like a failure. You will be scared.

You can’t solve it overnight, you can't fix all your problems alone. But you can make a cup of tea, you can cry, you can sit and watch the sunset.

Because one bad day won’t ruin your goals — it doesn't make you a failure. What it does make you is human. It makes you real and it makes you-you. Because we all stumble. We all take missteps.

Don’t let those moments define you. Let them help you. Let them reset you. Refocus you. Breath new life into your goals and dreams.

Let your heart tell you what it needs and guide you into a new day. Let it express pain and frustration. After all, your bad days are what will make your story great.

The fact that you didn’t stop, didn’t quit even on the bad days. Even on the impossible days. Even the ones where you questioned your path, your goals, and your abilities.

Teachings are tough. Growth is painful. But you are strong. Take the bad days with the good days and remember that no 24 hour period defines you.

What defines you is all the days together. All the learnings that stitch together the beautiful person that you are.

Take the bad day. Let it win the battle. But your bad days will never conquer because it is you that is in control.

As always #moveforwardalways.

Sometimes when bad things happen all you can do is look into the sunshine and smile.

