Over 400 CUNY Law Alumni Stand with Fatima


To the Dean of CUNY School of Law, the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor of the City University of New York:

The undersigned CUNY alumni stand in solidarity with Fatima, a graduate of CUNY School of Law who has been targeted by hate following her delivering of a commencement speech this year. We are public defenders, family defense attorneys, immigration attorneys, prisoners’ rights attorneys, tenants’ rights attorneys, labor and employment attorneys, policymakers, and community members engaging in work across the city and state in pursuit of social justice.

We write to request that the Statement from the Board of Trustees and Chancellor of the City University of New York posted on the CUNY website on May 30, 2023 (May 30th Statement) characterizing her remarks as “hate speech” be withdrawn immediately and an apology issued to her and to the entire student and alumni body. Without these actions, our trust and respect for this institution will have been irreparably compromised.

As CUNY alumni, we are deeply concerned both about the law school’s inaction in protecting a student at a time when her safety and well-being is at risk, as well as by the actions of the Board of Trustees and Chancellor that actively worsened the harm caused. We are appalled that any student — let alone a student who has spoken at the behest of her classmates — would be put in danger without any action or statement of support by our law school.

The law school claims to be an institution that stands “united in the belief that only when the world can see the full range of human experience reflected and represented in the law will we have justice for everyone.” In total conflict with this purported mission, CUNY’s disregard for the student, her experience, and her humanity is unacceptable and unconscionable.

The Statement from the Board of Trustees and Chancellor of CUNY claims that the student’s remarks were a “public expression of hate.” To the contrary, her words — naming the harm and violence caused by NYPD, by ACS, by ICE and CBP as well as by Israel’s violent occupation and apartheid system — were not only protected First Amendment speech, but also resonated with many of us both personally and professionally in our work. We are appreciative and proud of her call for social justice. To see her words distorted and characterized as hateful by the Mayor and the New York Post is reprehensible, but to see this further affirmed by CUNY’s Board of Trustees and Chancellor is an affront to all of us. The attack on this CUNY student is also a shameful example of the vilification of students in educational institutions around the country who support Palestine or are critical of Israel.

We implore CUNY law to stand with Fatima, and we add our voice to the demand from CUNY faculty for the Board of Trustees and Chancellor to withdraw their statement and issue an apology immediately and the demand from the CUNY Law Jewish Students Association to support and defend its student body.

We also stand with the supportive statements and asks from Within Our Lifetime, Palestine Legal, Center for Constitutional Rights, National Lawyers Guild, Jewish Voices for Peace, and Adalah Justice Project in her defense and in the defense of students to organize in support of Palestine.


Aaron Amaral

Aaron Samsel

Abigail Ramos

Adam Edwards-Rivera

Adam Shoop

Adina Marx-Arpadi

Akeem Barnes

Alaina Chlebek

Alanna Doherty

Albert Hor

Aleena Khan

Alejandra Collado

Alek Asamoah

Alex D. Smith

Alex Franco

Alex MacDougall

Alexander Maltezos

Alexandra H. Smith

Alexandra Reese

Alexandra Rockoff

Alexandria Nedd

Alfia Agish

Ali Nininger-Finch

Alissa Hull

Alyssa Couture

Amanda Doroshow

Amanda Jack

Amanda Katapang

Amanie Akarah

Amber Eden

Amber Ramanauskas

Amitai Heller

Amy Armstrong

Amy Leipziger

Amy Robinson

Amy Taylor

Andrea Alajbegovic

Andrea Costello

Andrea Natalie

Andrea Parejo

Andrea West

Andrew Adams

Andrew Sta. Ana

Angel C. Melendez

Angelica Razack-Francis

Angelo Pinto

Anna Andel

Anna Burnham

Anna Kim

Anna Maria Stebbins

Anne Leonardo

Anthony Bauth

Anthony Hawkins

Anthony Posada

Antonia Bruno

Ariana Smith

Ariel Federow

Arielle Adams

Arlene Rodriguez

Ashley Grant

Avi Rudnick

Ayah zaki

B Taylor

Barsha Hamal

Beena Ahmad

Belkys Garcia

Benjamin J. Cruz

Benjamin Meyers

Beth Rennekamp

Brad Parker

Breanne Chappell

Brett Dolin

Brian Ehrenpreis

Briana Deutsch

Bridgette Bissonnette

Bright D Limm 임대중

Bronyn Heubach

Caitríona Fox

Caroline Tenesaca

Cassandra Kelly

Cassie Fleming

Cassie Hazelip

Catherine Austin

Christian Harned

Christopher H. Fitzgerald

Claire Stottlemyer

Colleen Campbell

Colleen Normile

Connor Mealey

Cristal Enriquez

Cristina Castro

Cynthia Conti-Cook

Dale Melchert

Dan Gunnells

Dana Northcraft

Daniel A. Pena

Daniel Teitell

Daniel Thaler

Daniela Crespo

Dannelly Rodriguez

Danny Kirchoff

David Eisenstein

David Gribben

Davida Silverman

Dean Spade

Deisy Flores

Diana Aragundi

Dorien Ediger-Seto

Drew Haste

Ebette Fortune

Eileen Choi

Elana Gold

Elana Redfield

Elena Christofi

Elizabeth Sprotzer

Ella Nalepka

Ellen Rosenberg

Em Lawler

Emilee Sahli

Emily Farrell

Emily York

Emlyn Medalla

Emma Caterine

Eric Kushman

Erica Braudy

Erin Quinn

Erin Tomlinson

Ethan Chiel

Eugene Chen

Eugenia Joe

Eva Stevenson

Fabiana Araujo

Fahd Ahmed

Farah Diaz-Tello

Fatema Jannat

Filaree Moore

Frankie Herrmann

Garrett Kaske

Gerald Koch

Gillian Rowland-Kain

Gregg Butler

Gregory Herrera

Gregory Minnig

Hannah Bacon

Hannah Kaplan

Heather Richner

Henry Adam Meyer IV

Hirra Amin

Hoda Mitwally

Hollis Pfitsch

Hye Won Chung

Ignacia Lolas Ojeda

Ignacio Jaureguilorda

Isadora Jaffee

Ivan Marchena

Ivan Pantoja

Izel Fortunato

J Sebastian

Jackelyn Mariano

Jacob Goldstein

Jacqueline Zurmuhlen

Jake Ridout

Jamari Cato

Japheth Baker

Jasmine Brock

Jay Kim

Jean Stevens

Jennie G. Kim

Jennifer Elias

Jennifer Roemer

Jennifer Rubin

Jenny Akchin

Jess Reed

Jesse Workman

Jessica Vinnik

Jodi Smith

Joe Rosenberg

Joelle Eliza Lingat

Joey Mogul

John Boselli

John Loranger

John Salois

Jon-Paul Scordio

Jonathan David Cohen

Jonathan Langer

Jonathan Stonbely

Jonathan Stribling-Uss

Josh Epstein

Joshua Carrin

Jota Borgmann

JP Perry

Judith Lee Killen

Judy Edwards

Julia Wang

Julian Castronovo

Julie Kozikova

Julie Novas

Julie Stavarski

Justin Engles

Kamalpreet Chohan

Kara Wallis

Karina Tefft

Kat Meyers

Kat Thomas

Katherine Azcona

Katherine Dennis

Katherine Gallagher

Katherine Groot

Katherine Roussos

Kathryn Heffron

Katie Clad

Kavita Pawria-Sanchez

Kelly Mertz

Kelly Novak

Kelsey Burgess

Kenya Stewart

Keriann Pauls

Kerry Toner

Kimberly Shannon

Kip Bastedo

Kirby Einhorn

Kirsten Nelson

Kyla Kuvach

Lara Russo

Laura Matthews-Jolly

Laura Polstein

Laura Weiner

Lauren Cumbia

Lauren Paulk

Lauren Restivo

Lelia A. James

Liam Lowery

Lily Goetz

Linz Adams

Liora Cohen-Fraade

Lisa Ohta

Lisa Stuart

Liz Fusco

Liz Pudel

Lou Fox

Luis Bautista

Luke Krsnak

Luke Schram

Lynn Zhong

Mackenzie Lew

Madeline Howard

Madeline Porta

Madiha Gillani

Maggie Ellinger-locke

Maggie Kawinski

Maggie Sposato

Marc Ramirez

Marcela Jimenez

Marcus Hyde

Margot Lourdel

Maria Amor

Mark Maher

Marlowe Hans Pessolano Boettcher

Mary Elizebeth Bartholomew

Mary Wilcox

Matt Ryan

Matthew Main

Maureen McCloskey

Maya Demianczuk

Mayha Ghouri

Meaghan Whyte

Meena Shah

Megan Brown

Megan Carr

Megan Neal

Megan Stuart

Mia Unger

Mica Sloan

Michael Figura

Michael Gonring

Michael Leonard

Michelle Eng

Mik Kinkead

Mika Dashman

Mikailla Carwin

Mike Wang

Miles Ashton

Mimi Rosenberg

Minna Sabbahi

Misaël Syldor

Mitchell Kaye

Moira Meltzer-Cohen

Mol Parker-Kafka

Molly Graver

Mona Patel

Morgan Reed

Myles Lawrence-Briggs

Nabila Taj

Nabila Uddin

Nadia Qurashi

Naomi Young

Nate Treadwell

Naveen Naqvi

Nayeon Kim

Nell Hirschmann-Levy

Nerdeen Kiswani

Nermina Zecirovic-Arnaud

Nia M Itoh

Nic Shugar

Nicholas Guarino

Nick Hanlon

Nicole A Mandarano

Nitin Goyal

Noor Sheikh

Nora Hirozawa

Noran Elzarka

Owen Daniel-McCarter

Pam Spees

Patrick Tyrrell

Paul Keefe

Paula Z. Segal

Pauloma Martinez

Perri Fagin

Phil Miller

Phoebe Gittelson

Pierina Reyes

Princess Masilungan

Rachel Goldman

Rachel Nager

Rachel Pincus

Rachel Rampil

Rachel Spector

Rafa Kidvai

Rafaela Varela, Esq.

Raha Jorjani

Raquel Morote

Raquel Rosales

Reachelle Ramirez

Rebecca Arian

Rebecca Baehr

Rebecca Heinegg

Rebecca Horton

Renee Murdock

Richard Semegram

Robert Hupf

Robin Gordon Leavitt

Roger Schrading

Ronald Zapata

Rosa Valiente-Mercado

Ross Joy

Ruby-Beth Buitekant

Ryan MacDonald

Saara Arshid

Sacha B. Maniar

Sarah Attridge

Sarah Marie Young

Sasha Medero

Sean Fabi

Sebastian Estrada

Seth York

Shannon Haupt

Sharone Miodovsky

Sheba Delva

Shehran Uddin

Shezza Abboushi Dallal

Shilpa Jindia

Shirley Lin

Shyenne Medina

Sidney Thaxter

Sienna Baskin

Simone Harstead

Sina Choi

Sophie E. Cohen

Stephanie Jaquez

Stephanie Sorquira

Stephanie Sutherland

Stephen Cheng

Stephen Dunn

Sumanth Bollepalli

Susanna Saul

Suzanne Adely

Suzanne Chilcote

Suzanne S Donsky

Syeda Tasnim

Tanya Kessler

Tarsila Gomez

Taylor Green

Terri Nilliasca

Thea Delage

Thiviya Saraswati

Thomas Mariadason

Tito Sinha

Tracy Lawson

Uruj Sheikh

Victoria Morrell

Vincent Fang

Vladyslav Moroz

Wade Rosenthal

Wanda Velez

Wendy Myers-Jennings

William Flynn

Xhoana Ahmeti

Yasmin Dwedar

Yasmine Farhang

Ying-Ying Ma

Yulia Marshak

Zachary Ahmad

Zachory Nowosadzki

Zamir Ben-Dan

Zehra Asghar

Zeyna N Reifenheiser

Ethan Taubes

