Meet the CUNY SPS EDI Ambassadors

The CUNY SPS’ EDI Ambassadors share insights and their plans for increasing inclusivity (Part 1)

Pictured left to right: Lianna Scull and Nidia Cordova

Since its inception in Fall 2019, the Committee on Institutional Equity and Diversity (CIED) has utilized workshops and specialized training sessions to foster a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (EDI) at CUNY SPS.

The CIED recently recognized a cohort of faculty and staff who had committed themselves to an intensive EDI training regimen through LinkedIn Learning. Those who completed the multiple training modules were distinguished as “EDI Ambassadors” by the CIED and earned a special certification badge.

We got in touch with each of the EDI Ambassadors to ask how they planned to apply their newly acquired strategies to advance an inclusive campus culture. In part one of this three-part series, we chatted with EDI Ambassadors Lianna Scull, the assistant director of the Sociology and Human Relations programs, and Nidia Cordova, alumni relations manager. Both Scull and Cordova completed their EDI coursework in Spring 2023.

The CUNY SPS community is so diverse. How did the LinkedIn Learning courses help you to better appreciate the perspectives of colleagues with different backgrounds?

Lianna Scull:I’ve always appreciated folks’ differing backgrounds and perspectives (thanks in large part to an array of personal and familial experiences/backgrounds, growing up). However, the LinkedIn Learning courses and all the offerings/events from the CUNY-SPS CIED working group have provided opportunities to engage with folks on a more meaningful level — in a way that may not have been available to me otherwise.”

Nidia Cordova: The LinkedIn Learning courses helped me to be more self-reflective and focus on ensuring that my communication skills are clear, respectful, and productive in all aspects of my daily life.

Have you incorporated any EDI practices you learned into your work or unit at CUNY SPS? If so, how/what?

Cordova: “The course, Communication Through Disagreement, was very insightful. At times I may not agree with my colleagues, however I wouldn’t want to inadvertently jeopardize our relationship. My focus since the course has been to be protective and continue building on the goodwill we created.”

Scull: “The way I have begun to think about this essential work, is that it is not so much a practice/action or initiative to ‘incorporate’ into my work, but rather a way to live — a way to be in the day-to-day. My goal is for my (ever growing/developing) EDI practices to become second nature in everything I do, in and outside of work.”

What was your favorite takeaway from the series? Did the series inspire any new goals?

Cordova: “My favorite takeaway from the series is that communication skills can always be improved. My goals are to learn more about EDI, continue self-reflecting, and focus on my professional and personal growth.”

Now that you’ve completed the LinkedIn Learning series, how would you advocate for EDI structures and principles to colleagues who may not recognize its importance?

Cordova: “I believe it’s important for staff/faculty to feel included in the decision-making process which also encourages commitment to the School and its mission. I would advocate for certain courses of the LinkedIn Learning series to be required for people who disagree with my statement.”

The LinkedIn Learning EDI series represents a significant time commitment and everyone has such busy schedules. Would you like to share tips on how you managed your time while working through the LinkedIn Learning series?

Scull: “I believe that this learning experience mirrors the need for and appreciation of the flexibility in learning that our students have for our courses at [CUNY] SPS. I was inspired by our students throughout this learning experience! And if I’m perfectly honest, because this work is important to me professionally and personally, I often found time outside of my work schedule, such as playing a portion of a video training while cooking. Further, because the trainings were all conveniently offered via LinkedIn as recorded trainings, I could consume them in smaller segments — and pause them and then continue with them as my ‘regular’ work schedule allowed. I am eager to see how this type of important professional development/learning will be given even more formal importance and time/focus within our work schedules, in the future.”

Cordova: “Participating in the LinkedIn Learning series was important to me, therefore I decided to ‘block’ several dates on my calendar which allowed me the time to complete courses. I’m thankful that colleagues within CUNY SPS, and outside of the School, supported my participation.”

Anything else you would like to add?

Scull: “I am so very appreciative of the time, energy and funding that has gone into this opportunity, and look forward to participating in related CUNY-SPS future endeavors. And finally, I am ever so grateful for the commitment, effort and drive of the CIED team — in bringing this learning experience to the CUNY SPS community!”

Read more about the CIED’s work and initiatives here.



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