CYBR Investigating Another Fraudulent Exchange!

2 min readOct 15, 2018


CYBR has uncovered an emerging exchange scam website that is propagating through Telegram, Instagram and other social media platforms. This exchange, is a clone of and is duping investors of their hard-earned cryptocurrency assets! Do NOT send funds to!

CYBR is working to gather as much information as possible in order to get this website shutdown ASAP. CYBR is also trying to spread the word throughout the Crypto community so we can protect each other and not get scammed! There is more information below on how to spot a scam exchange/website. The key point is to look for the green padlock, a gray padlock just means they have a valid free certificate (they didn’t get the Extended Validation certificate, RED FLAG!). While a gray padlock doesn’t necessarily mean the site is a scam, it is better to play it safe than get scammed and be sorry! This, people, is why CYBR was created! Please share and ensure no other crypto investor is scammed.

a. Notice the GREEN SECURE PADLOCK next to

b. Check the Name and Owner of the certificate. Compare to the fraud exchange

a. Notice there is no GREEN SECURE PADLOCK

b. Notice the certificate name doesn’t represent the site like

To report any emerging threats or scams email us at!

On Friday, October 19th, will unveil it’s Threat Intelligence Portal (TIP) submission webpage. This is where you, as a vigilant user, can submit threats like this and get reward with CYBR tokens!




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