Smart Contract Security and the Addition of Binod Nirvan, Advisor — Smart Contract Auditing

2 min readOct 31, 2018

Yesterday, CYBR proudly announces the addition of Binod Nirvan, a globally renowned Smart Contract Auditor.

You may wonder why CYBR is so excited to bring on an expert in smart contracts. Well, the fact is that cyber security starts with the smart contract in many ways. If the contract is written insecurely, bad things can happen. Case in point is a coin called PRL, which is undoubtedly wrecked at this point. The company lost holdings, investors saw the coin crash. This happens more often that most people realize and it’s time to put and end to this particular type of hack.

There are standards and best practices pertaining to smart contract creation but the issue often is that the company is so hell bent on getting their crypto out to the market and making money that they do not consider the security principles and fundamentals necessary to issue a secure smart contract.

CYBR is building a Smart Contract auditing services group and is exploring open source solutions through academia such as MIT. CYBR is a holistic cyber security ecosystem and leaves no stone unturned. Stay tuned for more about our Smart Contracts solutions in the very near future!

For more information on Binod Nirvan, you can view his team member profile at

The CYBR Ecosystem is a comprehensive cyber security solution for the blockchain. Ensuring secure smart contract transactions in order to maintain the integrity and contents of crypto wallets, exchanges and entities is our aim.

Our robust portal provides real-time safeguards, needed countermeasures and threat intelligence to the CYBR community and our subscribers. What completes the CYBR ecosystem is BlindSpot — a potent CYBR security engine that identifies and disrupts bad actor and associated illicit file activity.

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The CYBR Ecosystem: Guardians of the blockchain, keeping crypto safe.