PenguinWorld core token E (Energy Crystal) is coming online

2 min readMar 20, 2024


Attention, dear community members:

In order to achieve our 2024 plan, build e-Coin into a truly high-value GameFi ecological core token. The CZPOW Foundation has discussed and decided to make the following adjustments to the circulation and trading rules of E tokens, and needs to do mapping processing.
1. Transaction tax 3% (buy, sell, withdraw pool)
0.5% Genesis NFT bonus
1.5% pledge Penguin NFT bonus
1% LP bonus (including pledged LP)
All the above dividends are BNB

2. Kill robots within 60 minutes of opening

3. Within 120 minutes of opening, each purchase is limited to 0.2BNB, selling is not limited, after 120 minutes there is no limit

4. E Token circulation adjustment:
1) E tokens added liquidity of 1,625,762 (unchanged) Destroyed 474,238
2) 25% pledge the E tokens produced by the CZPW mining pool, the first mapping of E tokens is 5% after 1 hour of opening, and the subsequent mapping is 0.5% every day. When the coin price reaches 100 times, the mapping will be stopped and the remaining E tokens will be destroyed.
πŸ‘‰ Special Contributor users map 6% for the first time
πŸ‘‰ Only 3% of ineligible users will be mapped, and all remaining tokens will be destroyed
3) 65% will be produced in the Penguin world (feed, dress, hash prize pool, hash treasure)

5. Mapping snapshot Time: 14:00(UTC), March 21

6. Mapping address: 0 x09887950d910bd7db299c484459f190a127ae6c3
πŸ‘‰ All users need to transfer E-coins to the mapping contract address within the snapshot time to receive the new E-token mapping
New tokens πŸ‘‰ address: 0x48779082d36651640e86d3d66bc2221f77eeeeee

7. Supplementary note:
1) The first mapped E-coins will be transferred to the account one hour after the opening of E-coins
2) After the E-coin is online, the pledged CZPW mining pool is still in effect, and you can continue to receive the E token reward, and the second batch of mapping will be carried out after the mining cycle is over




The first inscription token on the Binance chain to use Proof of Work (POW) mining mechanism and support mobile mining