Moving Degen Zoo to BSC (wDZOO) Why, When & How?

$DAO Chef
3 min readMar 20, 2023


Is this the big announcement? No, that will be announced with BSC Mainnet.

Why are we moving over to wDZOO on BSC?

Degen Zoo had over 7000 players on the testnet indicating that high gas fees are stopping players from joining. The data on the 205 ETH mainnet players indicate that people that played the game really enjoy it. Average hatched 3 to 5 eggs.

We estimated that playing the game costs around $35 per hatch, which our users pay for no reason. Instead of waiting any longer, we adapted quickly right at the start of the game.

A random selection process of 60,000 ids causes a lot of transactions to fail. We mitigated by making gas up to 500% higher than average, but about 20% of tx continues to fail. We do not want to waste our users hard earned money on something as wasteful as failed Ethereum gas fees. To compensate those affected users we will airdrop them also BNB. Last but not least, having the mainnet on BSC for a popular charity game will make a listing and support from BNB more likely, while we will get 0 support from ETH.

We need to remove friction to get more players, more locks, more burns, and reduce supply.

How are we moving the game to BSC?

1. DZOO to wDZOO Bridge:

  • We will airdrop BNB to compensate for moving to the BSC chain
  • Users that have already BSC tokens do not need to move.

2. Improved game mechanics:

  • BSC is more degen than ETH, therefore we will increase APR when hatching a level 1 animal. This will result in more players aping into the game early on.
  • Adding the ability to give a variable Stake amount when hatching. Currently, in the ETH version, you can only stake 10k. We will update the model so that users can stake between 5000 to 50,000 tokens into an egg. This means whales don’t have to hatch many times and small guys can also join the game.

3. Eggs, Staking on BSC & ETH:

  • During the weekend we created the blueprints for architecture that allows us to stake tokens on ETH and claim eggs on BSC. All the tokens that are currently staking on ETH do not need to move to BSC. Users can stake on ETH and claim an egg on BSC.
  • We also adding Staking for Eggs on BSC. Meaning users will be able to stake on ETH and BSC to get eggs.
  • Egg holders will be whitelisted and will be able to claim eggs on BSC. Eggs on ETH will not be able to be ported over or hatched. If you have eggs you will need to claim them again on BSC.

4. Moving over hatched animals:

  • Despite the massive gas fees, we are incredibly grateful for our devoted community of 205 players who have played the game on Ethereum. To show our appreciation, we will be airdropping them the exact number of tokens that are locked in their animals on BSC, along with additional BNB. For instance, if an animal hatched by a user holds 15k tokens, we will airdrop the user 15k tokens, if the animal holds 23k then we will airdrop 23k wDZOO.
  • Killing, hatching, and claiming eggs on ETH will not be activated again.

When BSC Mainnet?

Our aim is to have the BSC mainnet game live 7 days from now. This will require some next-level development speeds, but I think we can pull that off. Most of the work was done already.

What happens next?

We will work hard to make the transition as fast and smooth as possible. Once mainnet is live again we will start major onboarding incentives and benefits for animal holders, but more on that once we built all the necessary tech for going live on BNB.



$DAO Chef

Running DAO Maker. Fan of call game theory models. Creator of big pumps