MAX SUPPLY: 84 000 000 VTC
MARKETS: Bittrex, Upbit, Poloniex
ATH in USD: 10,02 USD / VTC
ATH in BTC: 0,01191 BTC / VTC


Vertcoin was launched in January 2014. VTC is an open and decentralized currency built on blockchain technology. It is focused on a fast decentralized mining network. In comparison to Bitcoin or Litecoin it is using different Algorithm — Lyra2Rev2 — this Algorithm is resistable against ASIC miners.

Why is this important? Let’s take a look what does developers says about it — “While other cryptocurrencies have succumbed to monopolized mining, Vertcoin remains resistant to the specialized hardware that is used to mine currencies like Bitcoin. We believe that everyone should have an equal opportunity to share the benefits of the system and that mining cartels should not stand in the way of technological progress. “ And this is why is Vertcoin called “The currency of the people”.

All members of the developers team are volunteers from the community. Lead developer is James Lovejoy, all team members can be found on VTC website .

The project is wholly funded by donations from community, so at the moment this is the main reason why Vertcoin is not listed at any major Exchanges as is Binance for example or as well lack of marketing boost so far. But community is working to establish their own exchanges — Vertbase and Vertpig. On those exchanges you will be able to buy and sell VTC using US dollars, so once this will be done, we might see great influx of capital that will push the price higher.

As mentioned above, VTC lead developer James Lovejoy is working at MIT DCI (Digital Currency Initiative) as a researcher and at MIT they are working on Lightning Network development.


- with Bitcoin correction the price of VTC dumped as well. From ATH (All Time High) above 10 USD/VTC the price went down to actual price of 1.89USD/VTC, so it might seem like a good time to accumulate more coins

- Stealth addresses — Vertcoin stealth address technology allows a business to use one consistent address for all their payments, without the risk of someone watching their transactions with malicious intent. Vertcoin is the first cryptographic currency to develop the stealth address technology and implement it within the blockchain. This is considered to be the best solution for securing users privacy in a decentralized public ledger. All previous attempts to address the issue of privacy have relied on third parties like banks. Vertcoin stealth addresses bring an increased level of privacy and security for both businesses and consumers.

- Cross chain atomic swaps with Litecoin (

- Lightning Network (LN) — VTC thanks to their partnership with Litecoin is going to be one the first currencies to implement LN. What is Lightning Network — Lightning Network is a payment layer designed to solve the problems of scalability, speed and transaction costs without compromising security standards. Once LN will be implemented, it is going to have huge impact on use of cryptocurrencies in real world

- iOs wallet development in progress

- new exchanges — Vertbase and Vertpig, will support fiat (USD)

- new AMD miner to be released

- Ledger Nano S support — already finalized

- One-click Vertcoin miner to be released

This is one of our first coin analysis, more coming! For more interesting articles subscribe to our FACEBOOK PAGE or Twitter!

DISCLAIMER — This is not financial advice. Always #DYOR — Do Your Own Research before investing your money.

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