Fortnite 3D Animated Thumbnail Experience

3 min readJan 6, 2019


☔ Fear The Dark Bomber ☔

Lately I've been pretty interested in creating these Fortnite 3D animated thumbnails. I got the inspiration from most of the Chronic members as well as the creator of the thumbnails for Tfue's YouTube channel.

Example from ChronicHoly’s YouTube video.

At first I was really discouraged thinking that I have to be really talented in order to create these thumbnails. I don’t believe that I have that much creativity, or at least in comparison to more of my artistic friends, my belief that I would create something decent was not in mind.

Source Filmmaker Program

I figured that I would start off by watching some tutorials on how it’s created and found it was created using Source Filmmaker. By the name of it it’s a program used to make films or photography through the use of Valve’s character models or community added models found in the Steam community.

From here, I watched how to add models, move certain body parts from the model’s rig and much much more. One thing I learned is that if you want to learn how to create decent or even amazing thumbnails, it takes time, effort and learning. I watch some of the creations from ChronicLairdo. He has amazing and I mean amazing thumbnails and creates them for the team he is apart of as well as many other content creators.

Having to learn how to post-edit the poster (picture/screenshot taken) of the model I wanted made the process a lot more interesting since I like to edit most of my own street photos or photography from events taken. My advice is to find a model or someone’s work that you admire and learn how they create their work. Don’t directly copy their style because it won’t make you special. Learn the process and create your own stuff.

Below were the first two creations respectively.

The more I learn. The more fun it gets.

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